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Thursday 3:25 pm

Narrator's POV

"This question goes to you, Owl Lady. What is it that you like most about Firelight?"

"That she's thoughtful about others. It's something you don't see as often in someone," Eda answered the TV host's question.

"How sweet. This will be the last question for Firelight. What is your worst fear and why?"

Luz was taken back from the question she was being asked. It took her a moment to figure what to say as she was never asked about her fears.

"I have two fears. The main one is not being able to save those who believe in me. It would be the worst news to hear if someone passed away because I wasn't there to help them. My second fear is losing the ones I love. No matter if it's a relationship breaking up or if they pass away, I wouldn't be able to handle it. These are actual fears that I won't be able to get rid of no matter how long I live. That is why I'm cautious during my duty as a hero and a friend."

"Now that's what I call real fears right here. Thank you for sharing, Owl Lady and Firelight. I also like to thank both of you for taking the time to come here today and have an exclusive interview."

"And thank you for inviting us onto your show," the older hero grinned.

"That is all for today folks. Give a round of applause for our superheros!"

Everybody in the audience clapped and cheered as the heros shook hands with the host before leaving the stage. Luz and Eda took a break at the back of the stage before walking out of the building. The sky and clouds were dark while rain was pouring down. News reporters and photographers took over the duo's space as they tried to answer as many questions as possible. Firelight and The Owl Lady's cape were drenched in rain water as they used it to cover themselves since neither of them didn't check the weather and bring an umbrella. The heroes were able to lose the paparazzi in a swift moment when they ran to Eda's house.

"Today's weather wasn't what I expected. It was perfectly fine yesterday and all of sudden it wants to be bipolar and rain. This season is something else," Eda took off her cape and mask.

"We're halfway through fall and guess what tomorrow is," Luz beamed.


"Exactly! I can't wait to dress up and hand out candies."

"Who are you going to dress up as?"


"You're going as Firelight? Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I am. My mom won't be here all day tomorrow so it's a perfect time to wear my suit for Halloween. I'll be giving out candies that's not at my house obviously."

"Then I guess I'll join you with the idea."

"Really?!" Luz held in her excitement.

"Yeah, why not. It's been years since I've celebrated Halloween," Eda crashed onto her couch and King climbed on top of her stomach.

Luz set her mask on the coffee table and took off her cape to take hers and Eda's to the dryer machine. The tall brunette came back with her hands clutching onto the necklace that Amity got for her birthday and stared at it with a small grin. Eda took notice and rolled her eyes playfully as she knew what was going on inside her student's head.

"You really love that necklace don't you?"

"Yeah I do. Why do you say that?"

"You always wear it at school and hide it underneath your clothing when we become heroes. I'm starting to think you like Amity a bit more than friends," Eda chuckled lightly.

A Masked Hero (The Owl House Mage Au w/ Lumity) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now