Power-Up Challenge

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Author's note: Hey everyone! I'd like to say thank you for supporting this book and my other one. It means so much to me. If you guys enjoy this one, please make sure to add it to your library for more upcoming chapters. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Luz's POV

I regret saying that to Boscha. I felt like I was her but in a different version. I avoided Amity and Boscha not wanting to be on any worse terms with them than I already am. It sucks that I'm a new student and they see me as someone who doesn't have the strength to be here at Hexside. Jessica, Willow, Gus, and I sat on the benches as we waited for the bell to ring for lunch time.

"You got some guts to go against Boscha like that," Jessica stated.

"I feel horrible after I did that. I'm not the type of person to use violence on someone who hasn't done any harm."

"Well she did push you against the lockers."

"And so did I," I placed my hands onto both sides of my cheeks.

"It is what it is. I would be sure to watch out for Boscha. No one really stood up for themselves like that when it comes to her."

"I should apologize," I felt down.

"No need to, Luz. She started the problem first. It should be her that needs to apologize and you'll get it right now," Willow stood up and strolled over to where Boscha and Amity were.

"Should we be worried?" Gus questioned.

"Don't worry about her, Augustus. Boscha wouldn't bother putting a finger on Willow," Jessica smirked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Let's just say there's something Boscha doesn't want anybody to know other than Amity."


Boscha's POV

"You should work on your anger issues. You'll actually end up putting someone in the hospital if you keep up with that act."

"That damn fool really thought she did something after pushing me up against the locker. No one ever touched me like that. I swear I'll beat her to a pulp," I glared down at the ground.

"It doesn't matter anymore Boscha. We should just leave her alone and mind our business. If you really hate being around her, then change lockers," Amity suggested.

"No, I won't be doing that. I don't want to be far away from-"


I turned my head to the side to see Willow walking towards us.

"What's up Willow? What're you doing here with us?" I smiled.

"What was that with my friend Luz? You know you've gone too far with her."

"You saw what happened earlier. She pushed Amity down on the ground. I was pissed at her," I reasoned.

"But that doesn't give you the right to threaten her. I honestly think you owe her an apology."

"You're kidding right? There's no way I would give her an apology," I retorted back.

"Luz is a new student here. It's not fair to her that she's already gaining enemies for over one little incident," Willow gave me a concerned look.

I gave a long sigh before I gave in to Willow's words.

"Alright then. You win."


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