Maze Run

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Wednesday 11:05 am

Luz's POV

"How to play Maze Run? It's very simple. The entire team will be involved in the game with all players. The worst part is that you'll be placed in a maze without your teammates nearby. That means you'll have to try and find them and get out of the maze together, or you can find a way out yourself and hope that your teammates make it out first. There will be no fighting involved or magic use in the maze. Whichever team gets out first with all players will win five points. The team who is in second will get four points and the last team to walk out the maze will get three points. Gather with your teammates quickly to make a plan and we'll set all of you in different locations on the field in order to summon my maze. I'll also disarm my invisible barrier for teachers and staff only."

"Alright guys, what should we do?" I asked.

"I think we should stick with finding our own way out. If we try to find each other, it'll take forever to get to the finish line," Amity proposed.

"I thought the same thing. Each of us need to work our way out of the maze and if somehow one of us bump into each other then we'll take that as an advantage to work together," Gus added.

"We got this guys," Mattholomule swung his arm over Gus's shoulders.

"Let's do this then," I became excited.

"Go Hexside!"

"Time's up! The principals and I will go ahead and teleport the players together in a designated spot. Let's begin by bringing out my maze!"

There was a rumble sound and the ground was shaking when the maze appeared from the ground. The walls were made out of concrete and stood tall. In a quick motion I was teleported in between the walls that were a couple of feet spread apart. None of my companions were to be seen.

"We have everyone inside the maze as we speak. You all know what that means. It is time to escape my creation!"


Hunter's POV

"I can't believe you're The Owl Lady," I whispered to Luz's partner.

"And I can't believe that you're Joker. You are just a scrawny kid."

"Hey! Just so you know I'm not a kid or a scrawny guy. This is just how I am so don't judge me."

I was talking with the second hero of Bonesborough in a hallway where no one was around. We heard the announcement that the game has begun.

"So what's up with you and Luz. I never thought the two of you would be buddies."

"It was not supposed to happen this way but it already did. The reason why we're acquaintances is because I shared a story when my family was killed and that I blamed Luz for not being able to save them. That's when she felt empathy towards me and offered herself to talk to if I needed to vent or rant. That's when I came by when you both were there on a rooftop. I mentioned to Luz that Belos was not satisfied with what had happened on New Year's to the point where created a scar on my cheek."

"You're in a toxic environment blondie. According to my kid, you seemed to warm up to her and started to change on the good side. I trust what she says and for now I must trust you now that we're no longer enemies. I hate the idea of this because you tried killing us, sort of harmed my girlfriend, and hurt Luz."

"And I'm sorry for that. I have no excuse for the way I portrayed my actions and put everyone's lives in danger. I promise not to do such a thing like that again."

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