A Peaceful World

679 46 11

Friday 4:00 pm

Luz's POV




I slowly opened my eyes to blurriness and white. I heard beeping sounds and shuffles in this mysterious place that I couldn't figure out where I was. I blinked twice to see that I was staring at a plain, white ceiling. I turned my head to the right to see Amity sleeping on the bed I was in. Her head was resting as she was sitting on a comfy chair. Behind her was my mom sleeping on a small chair with her arms folded together.

I turned the other way to see machines with numbers, lines, and buttons on it. I lifted the blanket to see that the machines were connected to my arm and body. It appeared that I was in a hospital room. I realized that I was involved in a horrible battle with Belos and his gang. The best part is that Belos and Kikimora are no longer a danger to society. I just need to know if Hunter's ex-friends were taken away by the authorities.

"Hunter, argh!" I moaned in slight pain on my side.

I accidently sat up quickly to cause a little pain on my wound. I felt sore in that area of my body. Because of me shouting, it made Amity and my mom jump up and were alerted. They both looked at me as if I was a ghost.

I sat against the pillows I had and said, "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you guys up."

"No need to be sorry. We're glad to see you're awake and well," Amity smiled before grabbing onto my hand.

My mom didn't say anything. She was happy that I was okay but not happy over the fact that I was risking my life without her knowing.

"Ma, we have a lot to talk about. I know you're upset with me, but I just want to start off by saying I'm sorry. Though, I don't regret it," I faced my mother.

She sighed heavily before saying, "It'll take awhile to forgive you, but you do owe me an explanation. I have so many questions and I'm sure you'll be able to answer all of them."

I nodded and began telling her what went down.

"Remember years ago when someone's house was on fire a block away from home? I was there to see it and the owner of the house said that her son was inside. That's when I went inside and got her son out of the fire. I was wearing my cat mask, so no one was able to recognize me. After that, I decided to become a hero and get myself a cape, mask, and clothing without you knowing."

I paused before continuing on.

"I pretended that I was living a normal life. Every time you went to work and I finished school, I would switch lives to being a hero. That's when Eda came in. I slipped up the first time we met and I told her flat out that I was Firelight. Her and I came up with an idea that she can become a hero in order to help me learn new spells. She knew that I didn't tell you about me being a hero but she was fine with it. Amity was next to know about my other life the day our house collapsed. Eda and I rescued the both of you first before fighting our enemies. Hunter was one of them until we had a heart to heart conversation and eventually became friends. He even became a hero just like Eda and I. And there you have it ma."

I never wanted my mom to know the truth. It kills her so much knowing that her daughter and girlfriend were out playing heroes throughout the day.

"The fact that you and Eda did all of this behind my back is unbelievable. I don't know how you managed to live two lives that are totally the opposite of each other. You, Eda, and Hunter lied to me. For crying out Luz, you're my only child and you think you can go out there and risk your own life for hundreds of people? This reminds me of the time you were in a fire at school. It scared me and that was the reason why I homeschooled you. I was afraid of losing my baby. The only person who I care and love besides everyone else that I'm close with," my mom began tearing up.

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