Getting to Know You

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Tuesday 9:29 am

Luz's POV

"Nice work. I'm surprised you know all of this."

"I took extra courses during the first couple weeks of summer," I replied.

"Well you sure want your future to be bright," Eda smiled.

"Heck yeah I do!"


"Already?! I swear time flies so quickly when you get old."

"It felt like time was so slow when you're younger but as you grow older, it goes very quick."

"Ain't that the truth. Well, pack up your things and let's walk over to the field."

"Okay. Oh and when are we going to start doing exercises and stuff like that?" I questioned.

"Not until next week. There may be students who switch classes and such so by the start of next week, we'll begin the actual class."

"I can't wait. I always made sure to remain fit for my heroic self," I zipped my backpack and went to the door with Eda.

"I'm pretty lazy but at the same time I'm quite active which doesn't make sense to me," Eda uttered.

"It really doesn't. As long as you're active, you'll be perfect as my partner," I whispered the last word.

"You bet. I can't wait to see how you are on the field running around and lifting weights."

"Oh you will be shocked when I show off my muscles," I flexed my arms.

"Everyone will have their attention on you. Especially since you're the strongest junior."

"More attention for me? I already have plenty outside."

"I don't like much attention but when it comes to showing off what you can do, it'll inspire people to do good in this world," Eda stated.

"That's what I want to happen. It'll stop the evil from lurking around."

"You are right Luz. I wonder what it's like for you to do your job up close."

"You can examine me and follow up so you can be a professional," I proposed.

"I'll do just that."

My mentor and I made it outside to the field. Amity and Boscha were already ready to begin class. Willow and Gus didn't appear until a minute later after Eda left me to stand in front of the class as she waited for the bell to ring.

"Hey guys!" I greeted.

"Hi Luz!" they synced.

"How are you guys doing this morning?"

"I'm doing fine but Gus here has been trying to figure out how to increase the power of his illusion spells," Willow answered.

"All I want to do is have a good amount of myself and have someone figure out which one is the real me," Gus stared at his hands.

"I can teach you Augustus," Jessica butted into the conversation.

"Hey Jessica. Nice to see you drop by," I said.

"Hey Luz and friends. Did you guys see Amity's face today? She looks pissed."

"She definitely is. It's probably because Luz is ranked number one. Not that it's your fault Luz because you really are strong," Willow mentioned.

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