Our Last Goodbye

689 50 4

Saturday 1:00 pm

Luz's POV

"And that's a wrap. All of my friends came over to pick up the presents and drop off mine," I told my mother as I crashed into the couch.

"It would've been a lot of driving if we ended up going to each of your friend's house."

"It would be. Is Eda coming back here?"

"I'm not sure cariño. Why don't you give her a call and ask."

"I will," I went to my room and took out my phone as I searched for Eda's name.

I started calling her and a couple of seconds later, she was on the line.


"Hi Eda. How are you doing?"

"Oh hey kid. I'm doing great. What about you?"

"I'm fine, thanks. I have a favor and a question to ask you."


"Are you coming over some time today?"

"I will. I have the entire day to myself so I'm not going to be busy at all."

"Great! Then there's a really important favor I need you to do for me. I received a letter from someone and apparently they know me because they wrote my name and figured out my address. They said that they wanted to see me on Monday and to not let my mom know that I'll be going. It sounds sketchy and before I actually go to this person's house, I was wondering if we as Firelight and The Owl Lady can check out the address and see if it's legit," I explained the favor to Eda.

"This really does sound sketchy but alright. When do you want to check the place out?"

"On Monday since my mom will be at work. I need to be at the place by six, so we'll check it out right after my mom leaves work."

"Got it. I'll be coming along with you while you're inside just in case something bad happens."

"Sounds good. Thanks again Eda."

"No problem. Bye Luz."


The call ended and I laid on my bed with my limbs stretched out like a starfish. I'm really starting to wonder who sent me the letter. If this person hasn't seen me in a long time then there's one person on my mind. My father.

"Luz! Did Eda say she'll be coming over?"

I quickly got up and ran out to my bedroom door, answering, "Yeah, she said she'll come over later. I'm not sure what time though."

"Okay mija. Want to open up your presents when Eda comes over?"

"Yeah. I'm sure Eda would be interested in what I got."

"She would be. Oh, I forgot to ask but how was last night with Amity when you gave her the necklace?"

I blushed immediately as I thought about yesterday with the kiss we had.

"I-It was wonderful. She liked the necklace a lot. We actually found out that our initials are magnetic. "

"That's amazing. How did you find out it was magnetic?"

I gulped when my mom asked me the questions. What will she say when I tell her that I kissed Amity?

"Well, you see, when Amity and I were sitting down on the patio swing, there was something that caught Amity's eye. I looked in the same direction she was looking and noticed there was a mistletoe above us. And you should know the rest of the story," I felt embarrassed that I didn't want to tell her that the girl I like kissed me.

A Masked Hero (The Owl House Mage Au w/ Lumity) [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora