The Magic Games

537 35 3

Tuesday 9:50 am

Luz's POV

The rest of the week is going to be huge. I was told on more information by Eda that the festival and games would take place here at Hexside. The reason for it is because our field combined with the other fields is like a huge stadium. This reminded me of popular sports that would be shown on television where you can get stuff to eat, drink, or do some fun activities while on the field there's players that are trying to win against other players. Today was the first day for the seniors to start off the games. They also get Thursday to try their hardest to win. As for us juniors, we have Wednesday and Friday to go through with the Magic Games and take home the win.

"Are you excited kid? You're finally able to get some knowledge of what you'll be doing out on the field area," Eda was beginning to pack up.

"I am pretty excited. I think our seniors will do their best out there."

"If they don't win their first challenge, then we're screwed."

"Haha why do you say that?"

"I didn't tell you this but if the seniors don't score as many points today, you and your teams will have to be the ones to try your hardest. The seniors and junior's points are combined together to determine what school is a winner."

"That means if either one of us slack off and receive less points, then we have a low chance of winning."

"You are correct. It will be hard to figure out who will win this year. We don't know the magic levels from the other school we're going against. It'll be a surprise when they start playing the games and fighting in a battle."

"I'm excited to see who these students are from Glandus and Epiderm."

"We're about to find out."

I stood up and pushed my seat in as soon as Eda was ready. We walked out of our classroom and headed down towards the field. Behind us was a set-up of booths with food and games. Some students were heading to the field with teachers and others were checking out the booths. A couple feet ahead of us was Amity with Lilith walking to the entrance. Eda and I exchanged glances before strolling faster to them. I smoothly went next to Amity as my mentor wrapped an arm around Lilith's neck and pulled her into a hug.

"Good morning Lilith and my awesome girlfriend."

"Good morning Luz," Lilith greeted.

"Hey Luz. I was wondering where you were at."

"Were you trying to look for me?" I smirked while I intertwined my hand with Amity's.

"Actually yes. I wanted to watch the games with you. We both have assigned seats down on the field."

"What? Does that mean we're not able to sit with our friends?"

"Sadly, no. Mattholomule and Gus will be seated with us so we can figure out some strategies to win. Our school hasn't won in a while so Bump wants us to focus and observe the skills of the students from St. Epiderm and Glandus High."

"That's understandable. I'm looking forward to the Magic Games. I wonder if our seniors will be at the top after it's over today."

"I hope so."

Amity and I walked with our teachers onto the field. There were already people that I didn't recognize, which I assumed were Glandus and Epiderm kids sitting on the benches. My friends were nowhere to be seen throughout the crowd. The fields and benches reminded me of a baseball stadium but smaller. It was amazing to see students from different schools here to support their school's team.

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