Marriage and Truths

398 32 6

Friday 1:55 pm

Luz's POV

"Congratulations to those who made it to the top rank. You all did a fantastic job. Keep up the work in the future and thank you for those that came to the Power-Up Challenge to support our students," Principal Bump announced out loud.

The entire crowd of Hexside students roared in happiness. I was happy to see on the rank leaderboard that I was number one again. My magic level was currently at eight point four. Amity was ranked second with a level of seven point eight. Mattholomule was ranked first with eight as his magic level. Gus's level was at seven point six. Our magic level has really grown from that time period.

"You guys wrecked it out on the field. It's great that you did your hardest in your last year of highschool," Eda complimented my friends and I.

I noticed Lilith was on her way over to the group.

"Thanks Eda. We highly appreciate it," Willow smiled.

"No problem. The bell will ring any minute now so before you rest up kiddos, Lilith will take you all to buy ice cream."

"Excuse me Edalyn, but I did not agree to buying everyone ice cream without discussing it," Lilith heard Eda as my friends laughed at the fact that Eda made up a lie to make Lilith angry at her.

The gang and I were finally seniors. I was able to have Eda as my teacher again and for the last time too. Amity had Lilith as her teacher this year just like in her junior year. I was amazed at how time was going very fast. It is already the month of August and in the second week, school has begun.

"Aw come on sis. I was kidding around. Maybe next time kids."

"Don't bring their hopes up and yes, maybe next time I'll buy you all ice cream."



"Looks like it's time to head home. We'll see you guys soon. Bye everyone," my friends said their goodbyes to Eda and Lilith as each of them left, one by one.

"Do you need a ride home Ami?" I asked before Eda and I left.

"My parents just texted me right now and said that they are going to pick me up. Thanks for offering," Amity beamed.

"No problem. Speaking of your parents, do you mind if I meet them when they arrive? I have never seen them before and I'm sure Eda wouldn't mind staying here until they come to pick you up."

"I don't mind at all Luz," my mentor replied.

"I'm sorry Luz, but right now is not the best time. Maybe later on you can just not now. I hope you can understand."

"Don't worry, I understand."

From the way Amity spoke and her expression changing, it felt off. It was as if something was bothering her. I have known Amity for almost a year and seeing something change about her was throwing me off. Before I could see what was wrong, her phone rang. She answered and placed it on her ear.

"If you want kid, I can stay in the car while you wait until Amity gets home. I have to make a call to your mother and see if she made it to work safely."

"Yeah sure. I'll meet up with you."

"Uh, I have to go, Luz. My parents are already here."

"Oh, that's fine. I'll see you on Monday then," I gave Amity a kiss on the lips.

"Bye guys," Amity left right away, rushing to wherever she's going to be picked up.

"Or nevermind. What's up with your student Lilith?" Eda crossed her arm as she watched Amity disappear.

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