Chapter 13: If I Could Turn Back Time

Start from the beginning

"I am sorry," she suddenly mumbled. "What for here?" I asked, sniffing and a small smile appeared on my lips while I looked at her. Oh my little Daisy.

"For saying those things and for saying that I...that I hate you. I don't hate you. I love you, mum. I just was so mad and disappointed and afraid that I would lose you," she cried, tears rolling out of her eyes again.

"Why would you lose me? I would never ever let that happen. I would never ever decide against you. It is and will always be you who I put first. You are my number one priority. Always. It is always you first, before everyone else," I assured her and she quickly wrapped her arms around me and I pulled her close to me. "Daisy. I am so sorry for causing you so much pain." 

She sobbed into my shoulder, her small figure shaking in my embrace.

"Should we send him away? Or would you like to meet him?" I then ask her after a few minutes and she pulled away slightly, still pouting and looking into my face.

"Did you love him?" she asked and I looked at her in surprise.

"Yes, yes I did. A lot," I told her, smiling and she bowed her head. "And do you After all those years?" she then hesitantly asked.  I bit my lip and grabbed her hands.

"Yes, I do. Even after all those years. I think, I have never stopped loving him."

"Then I want to meet him!" she said, now also a smile on her face.

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"Yes, I do understand it partly. I mean I never showed it, but I saw the gazes that people gave you and sometimes also heard what they said, I just never understood what they meant," she huffed and I blinked away my tears.

"I knew I could not shield you from everything, I am so sorry. But it was so easy for them to believe that you are not his daughter. You were born in 1982 and he was already captured in 1981, so they just believed that you were from someone else. I did not want you to endure all of this too," I mumbled and Daisy put her arms on my shoulder. She has grown up so much, was so smart although she was only 12.

"I do understand, but more lies. From now on you tell me everything. Please," she pleaded, looking at me with her big brown eyes and I nodded. "Never again," I breathed, kissing her forehead and pulling her close to me once again.

"Let's meet him then, huh?" she hesitantly said and I nodded, grabbing her hand and helping her of the rock. We walked back through the forest and I held her close to me, kissing her head constantly.

"I love you so much, Daisy. You can never forget that you are my everything and the most important thing in my world. My number one," I told her once more and she kissed my cheek. It was true. She was the most important thing in my life and would forever be.

We made our way over to the house and slowly walked inside, Sirius still sat on the couch, his face in his hands. When he heard us he lifted his head and looked at us.

"Let's talk!" I said and Daisy and I made our way over to the couch.

~ Sirius POV ~

I was so nervous when I met Harry but that is nothing compared to how it had been in the past hours. I was going meeting my daughter. My daughter. I honestly did not expect it to turn out like that. I expected her to be mad and disappointed but to react like that, nope. I felt really bad for her saying that she hates Mathilda, although I think she did not mean it.

But I must say that I was also incredibly impressed how self-sacrificing she was for her mother. It really overwhelmed me. I deliberated for quite some time if I should leave and disappear because she clearly does not want me in her life. But no. I would wait. Maybe she would give me a chance. I needed to be there for her, to be a father for her. Mathilda grew up without one and I could not let the same happen to Daisy, not to my daughter.

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