Chapter 56

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"Girl, all I'm saying is I called it. Didn't I, Annalisa?" Samantha laughs. "I knew the moment you knocked him on his gorgeous tight ass, that you two would end up together, again. 

I mean, damn, the way you guys always look at each other, it feels like I'm walking in on something I shouldn't every time you two lock eyes; that or I want to grab a drink and popcorn to watch you two go at it. You don't have to tell me to know the sex is mind blowing every single time, am I right?"

Annalisa chuckles next to me as I eat the chips with salsa we are all sharing as an appetizer. We decided to have a girls night out once Sam arrived to be here for the gender reveal.

"I mean, it is amazing, there's just this deeper connection with him. I don't know how to explain it," I smile at her. 

"You should have come to the lake house Sam, you would have heard it for yourself!" Annalisa laughs as she eats some of the chips. "We all heard; Santino had to take the kids outside that first night." 

"Hey, like you should talk!" I nudge Annalisa. "Since you're staying with Annalisa, I'm sure you'll get to hear your fair share of naughty things with these two."

"Oh trust," Samantha smiles and winks at Annalisa. "After spending three years with them, I'm well versed in all things Joey and Annalisa."

Annalisa blushes as she shrugs; and Sam and I laugh. 

"So, tell us how are you liking your new job?" I lean forward on the table and take a sip of my drink.

"It's going really good," Samantha grins at us. "I'm building a good client base. I like my co-workers, met a few nice people. But I sure do miss you two." She reaches her hands across the table and we each grab her hands.

"We miss you too, Sam," Annalisa tells her. "Maybe down the road you could find work here, that's the great thing about your career it's always needed anywhere you go!" Annalisa says enthusiastically.

"True but it's more competitive out here, I was lucky I even got the job in California as it is." Sam chuckles.

The waiter brings out our meals and we enjoy the rest of the evening eating and laughing. Reminiscing on some of our times together.

"Well, if this one wasn't knocked up, I'd say this would be a great night to end with a good hash!" Samantha chuckles as she puts her arm around Annalisa's shoulders. 

Nicky and Paulie are walking behind us as we make it back to our car when I get this eery feeling that we are being watched. I look around casually not wanting to look obvious but I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Che cos'è? " Nicky asks as he opens the door for us. (What is it?)

"Nothing, I hope. I just got a feeling that someone is watching us, but I don't see anything or anyone," I tell him and he looks around before he closes the door behind me. 

"Is something wrong?" Annalisa asks me as I buckle my seatbelt. I smile at her and shake my head. 

"No, I just got this weird feeling, but I don't think it was anything." I tell her. 

Annalisa looks back at me seriously. "Your guts' never wrong, Stella. What is it?"

"It felt like someone was watching us, but I couldn't see anything or anyone." I tell her. "But it's probably a good thing we are headed home." 

"I forget the thrill it is being around you two. My life seems so boring, now," Samantha sighs dramatically.

Annalisa and I both chuckle. "I don't know if that's supposed to be a compliment, but sometimes a normal life seems very appealing," I tell her. 

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