Chapter 41

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JP adjourned the meeting after Vito approached me and pulled me into a hug. Enzo stayed behind but gave us some space and waited outside the room while Vito and I talked.

"You must have a lot of questions, bella stellina," Vito cups my face as my eyes scan over his features, and I see so much of Timo in him.

"I have pictures of you with me always, see?" He pulls his wallet out and shows me three small pictures. One as a baby, another where I'm around six or seven and missing my two front teeth, and the last I'm in my high school graduation cap and gown.

"I know it must be a shock to see me for the first time, yes?"

"See you? I didn't even know you existed."

The smile on his face falters a little before he clears his throat. "Yes, Timo was very clear. He no want contact, and I wish I had tried more. He only want to protect you, but this world finds you. Not always, some leave, and others only leave through death, like Timo. You still mad at him, yes?"

I look away and fidget with my hands, but I shake my head. "No. No, I'm not mad anymore, just...sad. I was angry, and I told him I hated him..."

His warm fingers wipe away a stray tear. "He knew you didn't hate him, Piccola. On the contrary, he loved you very much, you know? Very proud of you. He was angry with himself after Roberto Cardinale took you and hurt you."

"He told you about that?"

"Yes," He nods his head, he clenches his jaw, and his eyes darken, "I wanted to set the world on fire, but then he told me how you fought, how you survive, but... then you left, and I understand why."

"I just wanted to be free, away from everything and everyone. But ironically, I still stayed in the in this world through Cristian."

"Yes, your name spread like wildfire everywhere, l'angelo della morte."

"Well, I'm known by a different name now," I say sarcastically.

"Yes, I am also aware, Raven," My head snaps up to look at him. "It is not my place to judge, nipotina. We have all done things we may not necessarily be proud of to survive. But I'm glad you are no longer doing this...dancing, yes?" He raises his eyebrows expectantly.

I chuckle, "No, no, I am not. I'm not ashamed of it necessarily, but I know it's not what I imagined myself doing or being this involved in this world either."

He smiles warmly at me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I gnaw on my lip.

"Of course."

"Why did you leave and Carmela stayed?"

He sighs heavily, "I didn't want to leave, but I knew Timo would not gain the respect and following if I didn't give him the room he needed to make a name for himself. And my sweet Carmela would not leave her bambino as she referred to Timoteo, even as an adult." He chuckles. "You cannot get in the way or separate a mamma from her bambino's. You see one day."

His face saddens as he continues, " Timo had a hard time when she became sick." He reaches for my hand and holds it, "John Paul told me you were there when she died when they killed her."

I nod as my eyes fill with tears, "She didn't recognize where she was or who I was at first, but then this smile lit up her face," I look down, "it's the same smile she gave me every morning at breakfast, and I knew she remembered me, even if just for a moment before..." Vito pulls me into a fierce hug as I cry.

"I regret not coming back for her when there was time." He strokes my hair and kisses my head.

"If you allow me to give you simple advice, it would be that you were meant to lead, but I respect your decision if you walk away. Il inganno, you felt from John Paul, and Timo is heavy-- I mean no disrespect-- but you came out of it stronger because of it." (the deception)

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