Chapter 43

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It's been a few days since the pool party and I haven't heard from Sean since. 

A part of me feels like I overreacted and I've thought about reaching out to him, but I also wanted to see if my thoughts and feelings from that night were a result of being angry, but I know that they're not. 

I want to be with John Paul.

JP and I haven't spoken much either, unless it's about the kids. I'm not sure how to bring up the subject of us and I've been second guessing my words on what to say to him. But this morning he called an emergency meeting as another attack occurred last night.

This time, not only were people killed but more shipments were taken.

"I think you have to consider you have a mole among the Don's, John Paul," Cristian states, leaning back in his chair, his hands are steepled in front of him. "How else would they know the routes. You've had no issues until the last few weeks and it's too much of a coincidence to have the shipments taken as they arrive to the designated ports." 

"I'm not saying it's impossible, but there are only three people who know the routes. Adonis, myself and Georgie," JP tells us. He's standing looking out the window with his arms folded.

We all look at Adonis and he glares back at us. "I'd rather castrate myself than betray Vito or John Paul." 

"Prove it," Enzo says seriously.

"Enzo!" I scold him.

"What? He's offering," Enzo shrugs.

Adonis gets up from the table angrily. "Dude, I was kidding," Enzo tells him.

"Sit down, Donny," JP tells him facing us again. "They have to be infiltrating our tracking systems some how. David and Mateo are working on it as we speak, and they're also trying to get footage from street cameras near the attack."

"I know someone who could help," I speak up and everyone turns to look at me. "With the footage, I mean; maybe even track Jimmy down, since we are are sure he's associating with the Albanians."

"Who?" Enzo asks.

"Let me guess, your friend?" JP states, the underlying jealous tone in his voice is obvious.

"Yes and I guarantee he can do it faster than Mateo and David, combined," I smile at him. 

"I sense a bet coming," Enzo chimes in excitedly.

"How soon could he get here?" Cristian ignores Enzo.

"It depends where he is. He travels all over the world; he was in Philadelphia when he helped me find Enzo in New Jersey," I inform them, as I pull my phone out. "He said he was going to Montenegro, but I'll see where he's at now." 

I send off a quick text to Tej.

"So, should we lay out the terms of this bet, now or...." Enzo sits up eagerly.

"Be serious, Lorenzo," Cristian admonishes.

"I am serious. So, here's what I'm thinking---" My phone rings, cutting Enzo off.

"Wow, that was the fastest response, yet. You're on speaker by the way," I answer the phone, grinning.

"In that case I'll keep my dirty thoughts to myself. And you should know by now, I never keep a beautiful woman waiting, darling," Tej says. "If you're calling to set up a date to go out for drinks, in celebration of Gio's untimely death like we talked about in Jersey, I'm way ahead of you. I booked us a flight for a weekend in Paris. I won't tell Sean, if you don't," He teases flirtatiously through the speaker. 

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