Chapter 30

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Miles, Kai, and Sean all look at me, and then their eyes move simultaneously to JP.

I watch as their eyes roam over his open shirt and undone pants. JP's usually pulled-back hair is messy and wild from sleeping.

I'm sure I don't look any better, but at least I'm dressed.

I think.

I glance down at myself discreetly and am relieved I am in the clothes I was in yesterday. Then, I look back at JP, and he's still watching me.

"Are you fucking deaf? I said, get the fuck out!"

JP glares back at me, taking a deep breath in, "No problem. Just remember, you're the one who asked me to stay." He says, and I glare back at him for not only saying it again but in front of them.

"So you say," I tell him, "bet you feel proud of yourself, thinking you're causing something, don't you? But no one knows better than me that you don't have the balls to man up when it counts, JP."

JP's mouth forms a tight line, but then he gives me a smug smile and grabs himself over his pants, "Trust me; they're there. You, of all people, would know. You seem to have forgotten how much you loved putting them in your mouth."

A mixture of a choke and gasp escapes from me. Meanwhile, I hear Miles whisper, "What did he say?"

"Get the hell out!" I shout.

I move away from the door as JP approaches, trading positions with him, and I see his shoes on the floor and pick them up.

"Don't forget your shit!" I throw a shoe at him, but he turns and ducks when the first one comes flying at him, almost hitting Sean, Miles, and Kai, but they move out of the way, barely. I throw the other one, putting as much force behind it as I can, aiming for his damn head, but JP catches it quickly.

"Thanks, princess."

"Don't call me that!" I scream at him.

JP  smirks at me before turning away, walking past the guys who move out of his way. "Morning, gentlemen."

They mutter their greetings back to him as I turn away, groaning in frustration at how full of shit he is.

"Hey moms, uh, we wanted to see if you wanted to go out to eat breakfast, but if you're not in the mood...that's cool," Miles says, uncertain if it's safe to approach me or not.

I stand up from the bed, not wanting to be in this damn house. "No, let's go. I want to go. Let me just get ready. I'll meet you guys outside." Kai and Miles nod, but I can see the worry on their faces.

They walk out of the room, and I head to the bathroom to wash up.

When I walk back out of the bathroom, Sean is still by the doorway. I know what he must be thinking, but nothing happened. I shove the drawer angrily after grabbing a change of everything I need. I take off my robe and begin getting dressed.

"I can see you're upset, Stella. But what the hell was he doing in here?" Sean walks up behind me and turns me around firmly. "I tell you I'm in love with you a few days ago, and you tell me you need space, that you needed to be alone and when I come here...he's here, in your room and obviously spent the night with you." He's fighting hard to stay calm.

"Nothing happened, Sean. I fell asleep out on the terrace, and he brought me back in here and fell asleep. On top of the covers, nothing happened," I repeat. I don't want to tell him JP actually didn't have clothes on; that doesn't seem like helpful information at the moment, and I'm sure he could figure it out based on how JP looked when he left.

For The Empire - Sempreजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें