Chapter 55

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I watch as Annalisa slows down and attempts to compose herself before she reaches the guys. Enzo notices her first and then sees the look on her face then looks back at Joey. 

"Anna! You look stunning as always; I was wondering where you were," Enzo greets her and kisses both sides of her face. Joey's head snaps over to her and even though her face is pleasant you can see the fire behind her eyes as she stares at the woman still next to Joey her hand on his arm. 

Joey moves away and holds his hand out to her, she smiles as she takes his hand and he pulls her over next to him. "Babe, this is Stacy, I was just telling her about you and the baby." He smiles warmly at Annalisa and places his hand on her stomach. 

Stacy smiles at Annalisa. "Congratulations, do you know what you're having?" 

Annalisa shakes her head. "We're doing a gender reveal in a few days," Annalisa tells her. "My best friend is the only one who knows." Annalisa glances at me and JP looks over his shoulder at me and smiles. 

"Hey love," He greets me and pulls me up next to his side. His hand rests on my backside and not so subtly squeezes as he pecks my lips. I see from the corner of my eye the disappointed looks on the other moms who are standing there in the group. 

"Ladies, this is my girl, Stella, that I was telling you about. Stella these are some of Lola's friends moms': Abby, Megan, Jazmin, Stacy and Monica." They all smile at me pleasantly even though I can see some of them aren't sincere. 

"Hello," I smile back at them, I turn back to JP. "Should we sing Happy Birthday soon, that way those who need to can go or stay longer if they want." 

"Sure," JP smiles at me.

"I think it's wonderful what you and Johnny are doing; raising Lola and her siblings. What a selfless thing to do," Abby comments. 

I smile in response. "Thank you, we were close with their parents and have known each of the kids since they were baby's."  

"You're both so young though...Do you not plan on having any kids of your own, with so many already? Or are you not able to have any kids?" The one named Jazmin asks as she takes a drink of her cocktail, but I can see the small smirk behind her cup.

"At least three, maybe more. Even numbers, right baby?" JP squeezes my ass and I look up at him and he places a kiss on the corner of my mouth. I smile knowing he remembers the conversation we had about having a family when we were younger. 

"Right. JP's always wanted a big family," I respond, even though I'm only looking at the beautiful dark brown eyes staring back at me.  

I look away when the one named Monica, chuckles. "That would be seven, not an even number, unless I'm wrong?" The sarcasm in her tone is obvious. 

"Stella is the guardian to three other kids. They're older, but they're hers," Enzo tone is cold as he glares at Monica. 

And as if on cue, we hear Lucy, calling out for me. Carmen is standing next to her grinning at us, too. "Mom! You guys got to come see the surprise Kai, Miles, Marco and little Toby are doing for Lola." 

The DJ cuts the music. "Alright everyone, it's time for a special birthday presentation for the birthday princess, Lola. Let's have her come up front." 

We head over to the terrace and I hear Lucy explaining to the women. "My brothers and Lola's brothers are doing a traditional celebration of sorts; it can look a little intimidating or scary depending on the occasion but this is all out of love and joy."

"Did you know they were doing something together?" JP asks me as he moves me in front of him and holds me around the waist. 

"No, I had no idea." 

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