Chapter 5

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After a few more minutes of crying, I take some deep breaths and collect myself to head back to the kitchen, but I find everyone gathered in the foyer instead.

Kai looks over at me and smiles, but his smile wavers as he notices my red-rimmed eyes.

"Are Miles and Lucy not back yet?" I ask him as he hugs me. He tells me they called him and should be here soon.

"We're going to head out," I tell the girls. "I promised the kids I'd take them out to the city." I notice Charlotte near the end of the hallway, talking to Adonis. She's waving her arms around, clearly upset, while Adonis looks like a statue.

"Oh, we'll come with you! I want to see the city, too!" Letty claps happily, and I look back at her as she pulls Jessica with her. She tells me Victoria and Destiny are staying and hanging out by the pool.

I hug Annalisa and Sam. "We'll have to get together; go out one night."

"Yes, we need to; I'll be leaving for a job in California after our girl here walks down the aisle," Samantha tells me as we step out onto the front steps.

"What?! That's awesome, Sam." I hug her. "I'm so proud of you."

"I'll call you later; we have to get you fitted for your maid of honor dress!" Annalisa hugs me as well.

We hear loud bass from music getting louder as a black, fully decked-out Dodge Challenger pulls up to the driveway; its windows rolled down.

Another large SUV pulls up as well, and I know JP's inside. I watch as he steps out of the car, buttoning his suit; his dark Ray-ban aviators hide his eyes, but I know he's looking at me as Adonis walks over to him.

Charlotte follows quickly behind Adonis, placing herself flush against JP's side. He peels himself out of her grip and moves to the front door of the car, and pulls out his briefcase, but I can see the looks angry.

I hear a door slam, and my attention is drawn back to the black Challenger. Two dark-haired girls walk away from the car. The older of the two girls glares back towards the driver as she holds the hand of the smaller little girl.

The driver is a tall teenager whose curly hair is bleached and shaved on the sides; a hairstyle that is a combination of a mullet or thick mohawk. They all stop when they see me standing at the bottom of the steps.

I recognize them immediately; they're all so grown up.



Carmen screams and runs towards me, crying. She throws herself on me and holds on to me almost painfully as she sobs on me. Little Lola walks towards me slowly; she was too little to remember me, but I know she's upset seeing her sister crying and her own eyes fill with tears.

Marco walks closer to me, too; it's clear he's fighting the emotions he's feeling as his chin quivers even though he's trying to hold it together. I hold out my hand to him, and he reaches for it and then hugs me, too, his tears wetting my shoulder.

Tears fall down my face as I look over at JP, who's watching the interaction. I also glance at Charlotte who's angry eyes are glaring back at me, and I realize that she heard the kids call me Char or Charmaine, but I don't care.

Right now, all I care about is being in this moment with the kids.

After a few minutes, they pull away, and I wipe at Carmen's face. "Carmen, you are so grown up and beautiful. You look so much like your mom." She smiles tearfully at me.

I crouch down and introduce myself to Lola, and she smiles, telling me she knows who I am from pictures. I stand and look at Marco, "You've grown up so much, Marco! What's with this hair, though?" He laughs, dodging me when I try to ruffle it.

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