Chapter 10

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"Hi, mamma." Isabella is walking out of Mel's room with Toby on her hip as we approach. I'm taking the kids to meet Melanie before we have dinner.

Isabella smiles when she sees us and Toby hides his face from us in her neck. I kiss both sides of her face in greeting.

Her eyes glisten as she looks at me; I know she likes it when I call or refer to her as my mom openly.

I let her know we wanted to stop by and visit Melanie before dinner with Annalisa and Sam.

"Dinner with everyone. JP is back; that's how he likes it." She informs me, and my mind once again replays the images of yesterday night, and my heart rate picks up.

"Toby, please say hi to friends?" Isabella coaxes. He peeks his warm brown eyes at me, and I smile at him, and he gives me a small smile before I hear a quiet "Hi."

"Hi Toby, it's nice to see you again," I tell him. "Can I show you some of my family?" Toby gives me a slight nod. I introduce him first to Lucy, then Miles, and finally Kai. He lifts his head off Isabella's shoulder and stares back at Kai.

"Maui!" He squeals. We laugh at his sweet innocence.

Kai's hair is longer than Miles's, and he has it down today. "Nah, little man. I'm more like Maui's little brother," Kai chuckles.

Toby surprises us all when he holds his arms out to Kai. I smile to encourage Kai, and he takes Toby from Isabella's arms, and Toby hugs Kai around his neck. "Sing "You're Welcome" pwease."

"Okay, how about after dinner? I'm going to go say hi to your mom first." Kai tells him. Toby nods then leans towards Isabella.

Dot looks up when I peek my head inside. "Stella, come in, child." She smiles as I walk in. "Well, who do we have here?" She smiles at the kids.

"These are my kids, Lucy, Kai, and Miles. Guys, this is Nurse Dot." I introduce them.

"It's so good to meet you, Nurse Dot." Miles walks to Dot, ignoring her outstretched hand, and engulfs her in a big hug, lifting her. "Moms told us you were one of the people who helped her years ago. Mahalo."

Dot chuckles, "It was my pleasure. Stella is one tough cookie, but I'm sure you all know that."

"Do we ever," Kai comments, smiling at me.

"How is she doing?" I ask about Mel.

Dot's smile fades. "Damien was here this morning. He says a few weeks, and that's being generous. JP was here this morning, too. He said he was going to call you to go over the legal paperwork soon." My heart clenches, reality setting in that this is actually happening.

I walk around the curtain, fighting to keep in my shock at how different she looks in just the couple of days that I last saw her last.

"Hey, there's my girl," Mel weakly greets me as I sit on the bed and hug her.

"I guess you heard."

I nod, and I touch the corner of my eyes to keep the tears at bay. "What can I do? What do you need?"

"Just being here has given me so much peace, Stella. And now that JP's back to himself, I know things will be okay. I know you will take care of my children like they are your own. Speaking of kids, who are these beautiful faces you brought for me to scare away." She jokes.

I introduce the kids, and they each take her hand as they say hello or Aloha.

"Well, I can only imagine what a great time you all have together, especially with Stella," Melanie says, smiling.

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