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One of Band Aid's fans hosted the party at their mansion. I didn't expect to see Byakuya already there. He sat with Sonia and Ibuki, and they were all, surprisingly, laughing together. I didn't expect them to all get along with each other like that, so hopefully things wouldn't be too tense, and no one will cause a scene.

Nagito happily danced with Toko on the dancefloor, making her smile again. I wasn't the only one watching the two, as Byakuya soon stood at my side to watch them with me. "It's a shame Makoto had to leave early, but I am glad that Toko is still here." He looked around with his nose in the air. "It does surprise me how she seems to be enjoying this scene so much. I never expected her to enjoy all of this."

"I've rarely seen her out of the club, so I wouldn't know," I shrugged. "Sorry Makoto had to leave early. I'm sure you were looking forward to spending time with him."

"While that is true, I understand he's off having fun with his new girlfriend. However, he's not the main reason I came."

"So why did you?"

"I've worried about Toko over the past few months now. I know she's hiding something from me, and I've been very worried."

"Oh, you know, she's a young girl. She's probably enjoying life and getting new ideas for her romance novels," I suggested, not wanting to be the one to say anything about her and Komaru's relationship.

Byakuya shook his head. "You don't understand. I've known Toko my whole life, and I know when she's purposefully hiding something from me. She has her tells for various scenarios. I can tell when she's trying to surprise me with good news, is worried to tell me bad news, or if she's afraid I'm going to be mad at her."

"How often do you get mad at her?"

"I more so get irritated when she does like things she knows she shouldn't be doing, like not taking care of her health or lying over small things," he replied. "However, I have never once been mad over anything of significant importance that she hides from me. All they do is worry me, and I get more so mad that I haven't been able to help her when she needs it. We're friends, after all. She shouldn't be afraid to come to me when she needs help."

"How can you be sure she needs help?"

"It starts off with her finding excuses to not spent time together. She cancels events and comes up with bland excuses. Lately, though, she's been avoiding me and refuses to look me in the eye. She's afraid of seeing disappointment, and while I try to hide it, I can't help but be disappointed."

"In her?"

"Never in her. Always in me." He sighs loudly. "I am unable to help her when she needs it. She is always there for me when I need help, so I want to repay her as well as I can."

"Listen, Byakuya," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder, "I think she's just growing up and exploring the world, and she doesn't feel as if she wants to be hanging onto you the entire time. She wants to spread her winds and fly on her own."

"Even if that's true, I still worry about her. Especially when she's been behaving like this for months," he countered, and we both looked back at her and Nagito. "She had a horribly rough upbringing, so I've been protective of her for as long as I've known her. She means the world to me, and to think that someone could be taking advantage of her breaks my heart. I thought that by coming here tonight, I could get some sort of insight into what's been occurring in her world as of late and help her if she needs it."

"Well, I already know that this," – I gestured to the mansion and everyone around me – "is not the scene she's been spending time in. That I know. She's also safe, too. I know that for a fact."

Byakuya glared at me, clearly able to tell that I knew something. However, I kept my face neutral. Groaning under his breath, he said, "If you wind up finding anything out, anything at all, tell me at once."

As he walked away, Sonia quickly joined me at her side with Gundham. She giggled as she watched Nagito and Toko dance. "I'm relieved the two are enjoying themselves. Did Byakuya find out?" she whispered to me.

I shook my head. "He's getting suspicious for other reasons, but I know he's going to keep an even closer eye on her. I feel like we should tell her, but she's having so much fun right now that I don't want to ruin it for her."

"Yes, I agree. It isn't fair. We will have to tell Komaru and have her be the bearer of bad news. Besides, it could be risky mentioning it while we are here with him."

I nodded. "How are the other Ultimate's holding up?"

"Peko and Fuyuhiko happen to quite enjoy the punk scene," Sonia replied. "They've been talking with Ibuki's bandmates and her biggest fans all night. It would seem Fuyuhiko is actually a fan of their music, as well, and has been following them for a while. He's disappointed neither you nor Makoto have mentioned anything about it."

"I'm not the type of person who brags about who I know," I chuckled.

"As for Mahiru, she's taking this as an opportunity to work on a new photography project about the art of the punk scene. No one even questions a girl with a camera anymore. As for Byakuya, Gundham and I made sure he and Ibuki ended up on the same page to avoid any further conflict. He seemed to enjoy talking with the avid music fans, and some of them happened to be fans of the Togami family. He's been taking this as an opportunity to network."

"That's good," I replied. "How about you two? Are you guys enjoying yourselves?"

"This is the sort of music my Devas and I have always enjoyed." His hamsters popped up on his shoulders and looked around in awe. "Live, it is much more favorable."

"Same for myself. Though, I must say, coming tonight was also an excuse to meet the friends Nagito talks so fondly about. All of them happen to be absolute sweethearts, so I feel as if I will be able to rest much easier now." She smiled. "I've been worried about him ever since he left my family, the same as I did when he was in it. I'm glad he's out with a favorable man and wonderful friends."

"Nagito is an important person in both our lives," Gundham stated. "If you were to ever hurt him, I shall release the hounds of hell upon your soul."

"Not if I do it first," I chuckled. "I can't promise to never hurt him, but I can assure you that where I am now, I have no intentions to. I love him too much to even consider losing him, so I hope you both know that I have been keeping an eye on him and making absolute sure that he is happy with us."

"That is all we can ask for," Gundham nodded. "Thank you, Hajime."

Slowly, but surely, I am getting this book updated. We are reaching the end of it, though, so I hope you're all looking forward to the ending! Vote, comment, share, and glam on!

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