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After a full month of shadowing Makoto as an Ultimate, I was finally flying solo and taking on my own clients. Due to having worked with Makoto, I wound up earning credibility with his clients. Whenever he was booked, they'd set up sessions with me. A few new people wound up wanting to book sessions with me just from word of mouth, including Akane and Nekomaru. It was nice to talk with them again, though it was weird to have them pay me to be an Ultimate when we'd spent our free periods together in the past, and even sometimes now.

It was weird being an Ultimate. People would randomly greet me in the halls, everyone would smile and be extra friendly with me. It was as if I were royalty, which was even weirder considering I was only a lottery winner. Makoto told me he'd felt the same way when he first became an Ultimate and that I'd eventually get used to it, but I doubted it.

Being an Ultimate was intimidating. It was my job to provide great service to everyone and give them an experience they would remember. Having people pay for my company was a weird situation to be in, and I didn't want to accidentally offend anyone. There was so much regarding my classmates' world that I knew nothing about, and I was worried that our differences would cause some sort of backlash. However, it seemed that more than anything, most people liked that I wasn't rich or as aristocratic as they were, so being myself really was the way to behave around my clients.

Whenever I did feel particularly nervous, I would look at Nagito. It was as if he could always tell whenever my eyes were on him, because it would only take a second for him to turn and check on me, sending me a smile and a thumbs up or a nod. Knowing he was watching over me and cheering me on always helped to ease my nerves, allowing me to finish the rest of my session with ease.

As I was wrapping up with my client, I choked on my tea when I spotted Komaru in the doorway to the café.

"Hajime, are you okay?" my client questioned.

"Oh, yes, I am perfectly alright," I assured her, waving it off. "It went down the wrong pipe, you know."

"Oh, I always hate it when that happened," she frowned. "Feel better."

I waved goodbye as she stood up from the table and exited the café. Waving over Makoto, we approached Komaru and pulled her to the side.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I wanted to see you do you club duties," she laughed. "I wanted to see what the two of you are like as Ultimates."

"Komaru, the café is closed to anyone isn't a student at Hope's Peak. You can't stay here," I explained.

Komaru pouted her bottom lip and blinked furiously, as if she was about to start crying.

"Is there a problem over here?" Byakuya questioned as he approached us.

"Oh, Byakuya, I don't think you've met my little sister, Komaru, have you?" Makoto commented. "Komaru, this is Byakuya Togami. He's in charge of the Ultimate Club and helps run the café."

"So you're the reason I never get to see my brother or Hajime anymore," she sniffled, startling Byakuya. "Hajime and I were supposed to go to the same high school, but then he won the lottery. I thought I would at least be able to see him after school, but then he joined your club, and I don't get to see him anymore. I don't even get to spend time with my brother anymore."

"I- Uh..."

"All I wanted was to come here to spend at least an hour with them, but I guess I can't even do that, can I?"

"Aww," two girls by the entrance doors cooed. I hadn't realized they were there or even listening in. "Byakuya, I would like to give my session with Makoto to his little sister."

"And I would like to do the same with my session with Hajime."

"A-Are you sure?" Byakuya questioned, and both girls nodded vigorously. "Well, then, Komaru, allow your visit today to be on the house. Order whatever you'd like."

"Thank you, Byakuya," Komaru beamed, wiping away her fake tears.

"Byakuya, I-" Toko began as she approached the four of us, stopping when she noticed Komaru. Since she was still in her school uniform, she was probably surprised to see an outsider in the café.

"What is it, Toko?" Byakuya questioned as he began to lead her away, though she did glance back at us a few times as she spoke with him.

"Wow," Komaru murmured. "She's beautiful."

"That's Toko for you," Makoto shrugged. "Shall we?"

Makoto led Komaru over to his table and pulled out a chair for her. We sandwiched her between us and sat across from each other.

"I can't believe your little act worked on Byakuya," I whispered, and Komaru smirked smugly.

"What's the real reason you came here?"

"I wasn't completely lying," she stated. "I did miss you, and I wanted to see what the Ultimate Club was like. I mean, people pay for your company, I thought it would be interesting to see what it's like."

"Well, that's Sonia..." Makoto pointed to everyone in the Ultimate Club, explaining who they were, what their clients were like, and how the club worked as a whole.

Nagito brought us tea, and he smiled at seeing Komaru again. When he walked away to bring her the parfait she ordered, I couldn't stop staring at him. Every time he looked back at me, he'd smile. Each time, his smile widened, and I noticed his cheeks get a bit redder. He wasn't used to me staring at him so much, but I couldn't help it.

After he brought the parfait over for Komaru and walked away, she sang under her breath, "Hajime's in love."

"Shut up," I teased.

"You're not denying it this time," Makoto stated, smiling wide. "Have you finally admitted to yourself that you have a crush on him?"

"I never denied it. I just said that I wanted to remain friends instead."

"Did things not go well at the sleepover then?" Komaru questioned.

"No, it did," I replied. "It's just...he knows about Kyoko."


"Like, he knows who she is and is a big fan of hers." I sighed. "What if he now wants to get closer to me in hopes of getting closer to her?"

"I think you're just anxious and looking for any reason to prevent yourself from getting hurt, because you're afraid he doesn't like you back," Makoto stated. "I am willing to bet real money that if you asked him out, he would say yes in a heartbeat, and it wouldn't be because of your affiliation with Kyoko."

"Makoto's right," Komaru nodded. "I see the way he looks at you. You two have been staring at each other this whole time." I blushed. "It's pure adoration. He likes you."

"I'm not asking him out anytime soon."

"Will you ever?" Makoto asked.

"Ask me again after we've become better friends."

"I'll take it," he said, and Komaru nodded.

When the session ended, we all stood up. "Thanks again for letting me come and see you today. It was fun. I have missed hanging out with you guys."

"We're glad you came, Komaru," I stated, kissing her cheek.

"Hey, is it alright if I use the bathroom here before I head back home?" she questioned.

"Oh, sure, it's-"

"I-I," Toko stuttered as she approached our table. Komaru turned around to face her. "I'm heading there, too. I c-can show you where it is."

"Thank you, Toko," Komaru chirped, clasping her hands together.

Toko led Komaru out of the café, past Byakuya who stared at the two is utter shock. Glancing back at us, he said, "I've never see Toko like that before."

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