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Even though I didn't have my own car, I thankfully had my license. When I slipped into the driver's seat, I glanced at Nagito. He stared dejectedly at the console. "I really am fine."

"No, you're not," I stated, leaving no room for argument. As I drove him home, I placed my hand on Nagito's thigh. He looked up at me. "I really don't understand why you would want to be working while you're sick. I mean, you fell asleep in the middle of class and skipped lunch. That right there is a major problem. You need to be saving your energy to help you recover faster."

"I'm sorry," Nagito whimpered.

"You don't have to be," I promised. "We'll get you in bed and have you feeling better in no time!" Glancing at his lap, I grabbed Nagito's hand and held it securely. "Just promise me you'll never do something like this again. I don't want you hurting yourself by pushing yourself. There's nothing wrong with focusing on yourself. You don't owe them anything so extreme as working while you're sick."

"I'm sorry," he repeated.

I wanted nothing more than to hug him and let him know he didn't have any reason to be sorry, but since I was driving, all I could do was squeeze his hand tightly. He looked up at me with glossy eyes, and I smiled encouragingly back at him.

"It's okay. Tomorrow, though, you're going to stay home and recover properly."

As we pulled into my driveway, Nagito stared at my house in shock, as if he wasn't paying attention to where we were driving. "Your... house?"

"Where else would we go?" I asked, as I exited the car. Walking to his side, I opened his car door for him and helped him out of the car.

"I thought you were going to take me back to my house."

I scoffed. "While you're sick? If you stayed home and told me you were sick, I would have taken care of you there, but I think it's better at my house. Don't you?"

Nagito fell into my arms, hugging me tightly. I felt his tears stream down my neck, instantly panicking me. Was he really not feeling that well? Was he relieved to finally be home? "Oh," I whimpered, hugging him back tightly. "Nagito, I swear, I never even thought about leaving you home alone while you were sick. I don't even like leaving you home alone when you're not sick."

"Hajime," Nagito sobbed.

"Come on," I gently coaxed, leading him inside. "We need to get you in bed."

Helping Nagito up the stairs and to my room, I pushed him to sit down on the bed and helped him take off his work shirt and belt. Nagito's face flamed up as I pushed him on his back to slip off his socks and pants. He was left in just his boxers, laying on my bed and staring at me sweetly from under his eyelashes. If I weren't in caregiver mode, I would have been blushing and swooning at the site, but my mind was focused on needing to take good care of him.

Even though he had some of his own clothes in my room, I grabbed one of my own shirts and pajama pants and helped him slip into the clothes. Pulling back the covers, I laid Nagito down and kissed his forehead. "I'll be downstairs if you need me, okay?"

"H-Hajime," Nagito called out, grabbing my hand before I could walk away. "I'm sorry, I just... Can you lay with me until I fall asleep?"

Smiling, I nodded. "Of course."

Before I slid under the covers, he asked, "Don't you want to change into something comfier?"

Chuckling, I stripped out of my uniform and down to my boxers. Pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, I climbed back into bed next to Nagito. He was blushing as he stared at me. The moment I was under the covers, he instantly latched himself onto me and closed his eyes. I ran my hand through his hair as he drifted off to sleep.

Fifteen minutes later, Nagito was completely asleep. I carefully slipped out of bed and laid him down on my pillow, wrapping him up in the blankets. Before I left my room, I grabbed his phone from his pants pocket and placed it next to him so he could easily call me if he couldn't get out of bed. I kissed his cheek and left my room, leaving him to get some proper sleep.

As I walked downstairs, I texted both Chiaki and Kazuichi to let them know that Nagito was sick and that we wouldn't be coming over that night. I then texted my parents, so they'd be able to help me take care of him. I only knew the basics of treating someone with a cold, but since this one was stressed induced, I wasn't sure if I needed to be wary of additional symptoms or anything.

Nagito hadn't eaten lunch, and there was no guarantee he ate breakfast if he wasn't feeling well. What would be something good to make him? Mikan said to feed him plenty of fluids. Did soup count as a fluid?

As I contemplated what to make Nagito, my front door opened. I expected to see my parents, but Chiaki and Kazuichi walked in instead, with him carrying a crock-pot.

"Hey, Hajime. How's Nagito feeling?" Chiaki asked.

"He's sleeping upstairs right now. What do you make a sick person to eat?"

"Well, if he's up for it, he can have some of my mac and cheese," Kazuichi replied as he place the crock-pot on the counter.

"I don't know if greasy food would be good for him," Chiaki replied.

"I have some soup I can heat for him," I said as I pulled out a few cans and placed them on the counter.

The three of us pulled out bowls and ate dinner, keeping our voices down to make sure we didn't wake Nagito up. When we made our way to the living room, I laid on the couch as Kazuichi and Chiaki sat on the floor and played more Super Smash Bros. With Chiaki's tournament coming up, she wanted to get in as much practice as possible.

"How has it been having Nagito move in?" Kazuichi questioned.

"He hasn't actually moved in."

"Is he going to?"

"I wouldn't mind if he did. It's better than him being in that house all by himself. He's always so lonely there, but here he has us and my parents-"

"But most importantly, you," Chiaki stated, crushing Kazuichi in the game.

"True, true," Kazuichi nodded. "That boy loves you. He wouldn't be here all the time if he didn't."

"He also loves you guys and having parents around."

"But the love he has for you differs from the one he has for us," Chiaki replied, and Kazuichi excitedly agreed.

"That might be true-"

The floors above us creaked, signaling that Nagito was up. He walked downstairs and over to the couch. When he saw me, he laid down on my chest. I opened my arms so he could lie down and cuddle into my side.

"Hey, snuggle bug," I chuckled. "How was your nap?"

"Still tired," he slurred as he closed his eyes.

"Hey, can you try to stay awake?" I murmured in his ear. "I don't want you to be awake for bed tonight."

Nagito nodded and opened his eyes, staring blankly at the TV.

"Hey, Nagito," Chiaki smiled. "How are you feeling?"


I ran my fingers through his hair. "Do you want me to make you some dinner?"

Nagito shook his head. "Not right now."

Chiaki and Kazuichi continued to play the game as I petted my hand through Nagito's hair. My other hand rubbed his back soothingly. He looked up at me, propping his chin on my chest as he smiled at me. I smiled back and kissed his forehead. Nagito blushed as he laid his head back on my chest and hugged me tighter. God, I loved him so much.

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