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I'm updating twice today. Here is update 1/2!

When it was time for bed, I pulled the futon out from under my bed and set it up for Nagito. Having him sleep so close to me made it a challenge to fall asleep, but I eventually did. I was excited for Nagito, relieved even. He'd told me time and time again how lonely he felt growing up and living alone, how often he'd dreamt of living with his parents and wanting to give his future family the normal family experience he never got to experience.

He finally got to experience that. My parents welcomes Nagito with open arms, making him feel wanted and like part of the family. The moment they heard about him living alone, they went into full parental mode and felt the need to protect him. I could tell they'd consider him their honorary son. It made me happier than I'd been in a long time.

In the middle of the night, I woke up. Rolling over to check on Nagito, I panicked when I saw he wasn't there. He didn't seem like the type of person who would just leave my house in the middle of the night, especially after how insistent my parents were on wanting him to stay the night, so I assumed he was in the bathroom or getting a glass or water.

Feeling thirsty myself, I crawled out of bed and headed downstairs. The moment I heard muffled sobs, I went into full-blown panic mode. Hurrying down the stairs, I spotted Nagito sitting on the couch, crying into his hands. I wasted no time in jumping over the couch and pulling him into my arms.

Nagito instantly wrapped his arms around my waist, crying into my chest. I petted his hair, holding him securely as he cried. I rubbed his back, rocking back and forth softly. Nagito's cries didn't seem to lighten up, but he soon calmed down and hugged me harder. I held him even tighter, needing him to feel secure and know I was there for him.

"I'm sorry," he hiccupped.

"Don't be," I assured him, kissing the top of his head. "What happened?"

"It's nothing- I'm just... feeling overwhelmed."


Nagito covered his mouth as he continued to sob. "I've... n-never been around such a... a warm family before. Your parents are s-so nice."

"Oh, Nagito." I held him even closer in my arms, rubbing his back in soothing, long rubs.

Nagito's sobs calmed down, and he rested his head against my chest, still hanging onto me tightly. "I can't even remember my own parents anymore," he whispered. "I don't even know if they treated me the same way your parents did. I can't remember if they ever loved me the way yours love you."

He shook his head. "I could have had a family like yours if things were different. Instead, I was stuck with Sonia's parents and that nanny, and it was horrible. I kept trying to hold on to the idea of my parents, yet at some point, I wound up forgetting all about them. I've forgotten everything about them, and I'll never be able to remember them."

"I'm sure they loved you," I murmured, brushing some stray pieces of hair away from his forehead. "They'd be fools not to. I know they did."

Nagito whimpered. "As I forgot about them, I forgot what it was like to be in a loving family. I don't know if I ever had that, but for one night, I had one. It was as if I had a mom and a dad... Your parents are just so nice."

"They love you. I know they do. The moment they saw you, they felt a parental instinct to watch over you and protect you as if you were their own child," I promised. "If you ever need a mom or a dad, I know they will be more than happy to fill the role."


"They love you," I stated. "I love you. We're all here for you."

"I love you, too," he cried, clinging to me.

Nagito and I sat on the couch, me holding him and caressing him as he let out his sobs and whimpers. My heart broke for him. Whenever he'd brought up his parents, it always felt as if he was talking about the weather. If it weren't for him crying in my arms now, I would have assumed the fact that they were dead didn't affect him much, and maybe it didn't. Maybe it was all the overwhelming feeling of finally having a loving family who cared about him.

After the way he spoke about Sonia's parents, I knew they were nowhere near my parents' level of affection. For as long as he'd want it, my family would be there to dote on Nagito and make him feel loved and supported by a family who truly cared for him. We'd be there for him forever.

When Nagito's grip softened around me, I swooped my arms under his legs and behind his back to carry him upstairs and back to my room. Without second guessing myself, I laid Nagito on my bed and climbed in beside him.

The instant I was under the covers, Nagito threw his arms around my waist and laid his head on my chest. "Hajime?" he murmured.

Reaching out, I petted his hair. "Yeah?"

"Do you think my parents have been watching over me? That because of them, we were able to meet each other?"

I smiled. "I do."

"They knew you'd make me happy," he hummed. "I'm glad you make me happy."

Kissing the top of his head, I said, "I'm glad I make you happy, too."

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