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Instantly, it felt as if hell froze over in the backyard. Everyone stared at Toko in a pure panic, wondering who the girl was that Nagito brought with him. Was she supposed to be his girlfriend? How okay would I be with the events that were about to unfold? How broken-hearted would I be?

I was sure Aoi, Sakura, and Ibuki were thinking it was cruel of him to bring his girlfriend to the party, especially considering only he was invited. I knew Kazuichi and Chiaki were confused since they'd met him and saw Toko at the café. Only Makoto and Kyoko didn't seem bothered by Toko having come with them. More than anything, they seemed to be very amused by what was about to happen, as was I.

"Who is that?" Ibuki spat.

"Toko," I answered. "She's another server at the café."

"Welcome, Nagito," Kyoko smiled and greeted.

Toko nervously wrang her hands together and jerked her eyes to everyone in the backyard. Nagito kept his hand firmly on her back and guided her over to Kyoko and Makoto.

Komaru exited the house and gasped when she saw her girlfriend. "Toko!" she giggled, running over to her.

Hearing her call out to her, Toko quickly relaxed and opened her arms to hug Komaru. Komaru lifted herself up on her toes and wrapped her arms around Toko's neck, kissing her sweetly in front of everyone. Toko blushed as she pulled away, but smiled shyly.

"What?" Aoi excitedly gasped.

"Everyone," Komaru announced, interlocking her fingers with Toko's, "I'd like to introduce you all to my girlfriend, Toko Fukawa. Toko, these are my friends."

As Komaru pointed to us all and introduced us, Nagito slipped his hands into his pockets and approached the table. I stood up and hugged Nagito, and he quickly hugged me back. "I'm glad you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world."

When we pulled away, I introduced Nagito to Aoi and Ibuki, who were super excited to meet him.

"How did you guys enjoy your visit yesterday?" Nagito asked Chiaki and Kazuichi.

"Oh, my- Dude, it was awesome."

"Hajime," Kyoko called out, waving me over.

"Excuse me," I told Nagito, and he smiled at me before continuing his conversation with the two.

I walked up to the grill as Makoto walked into the house. "What's up?"

"I need your help to bring everything to the table," she replied as she set up the platters. Glancing at Nagito, she smiled. "At least it seems he doesn't harbor any bad feelings towards me over what happened yesterday."

"I told you it was all okay."

"I was more worried he truly was the possessive kind."

"I think his emotions got the best of him. I could tell yesterday was an off day for him."

"That's good to hear. It is bad to date someone who is actually possessive. It's good to figure these things out now instead of later when it's too late."

"We will not date anytime soon." I exhaled.

"I know," she replied. "If it's any consultation, the two of you will make an excellent couple once the two of you decide to date. In the meantime, take your time and continue to get to know each other."

Rather than argue about my feelings, I teasingly asked, "If you're such a detective, would you mind telling me when you think the two of us will start dating?"

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