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Unsurprisingly, Nagito was still deep asleep when I woke up in the morning. It was different being the one to wake up in his arms, but I enjoyed it. He was right about how nice it felt to be held by the person I loved the most. It was even better, because I knew he loved me.

Nagito loved me. He was all mine. There were so many things we could do now that we were together that wouldn't be considered "overly friendly." I could hold him as much as I wanted, cuddle him without worrying about over overstepping the friendly boundaries we had established, and I could kiss him whenever I wanted. He was all mine to love.

Not wanting to wake Nagito up per usual, I slowly unwound his arms around my back and climbed out of bed. I walked downstairs, planning to cook him breakfast. I hoped he had some food in his fridge. He rarely ever slept at his flat anymore, so he might not have had any food to eat. I wouldn't want to leave his flat just to buy breakfast food and then come back. I'd hate it if he woke up before I was back and made him worried.

Thankfully, he had some eggs, toast, and milk, so I choose to make some French toast for him. As I cooked, the silence of the apartment became overwhelming. It felt constricting, as if it were slowly suffocating me. Every second I stood alone in his apartment, I understood his desire to leave more and more.

Next to the sink, there was a small radio. I quickly turned it on and danced softly as I mixed all the ingredients together. As I laid a piece of toast on the skillet, I felt arms slowly slink around my waist. I chuckled as Nagito rested his chin on my shoulder. His fingers gently trailed across my stomach, and he leaned up, gently kissing my ear.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while."

"Kiss my ear?"

"It's the little things I dreamed of. Being able to wrap arms around you while you cooked. Being able to kiss your ear from behind, like this." He kissed the spot behind my ear again, and I moaned softly. "I like knowing I can cling onto you without you getting mad at me for it."

"I never would have been mad at you for this."

He shook his head and leaned his forehead against the back of my head. "It's more about you feeling like you had to or being too polite to say you didn't want a hug or something."

"I think a hug is one of the most powerful things any person can do," I stated, leaning back into his chest. "Hugs have healing properties. My dad used to tell me that all the time. He always said that when someone really needs a hug, to never be the first person to let go, because you never know how much someone might need it. I wanted to hold you for as long as you needed it. It never bothered me for even a second."

Nagito's arms tightened around me. "There's so much you don't realize until you finally confess, huh?"

I chuckled as I fried a new piece. "At least we don't have to worry about that anymore, right? If there's something we want to say, we should be able to say it to each other, right?"

"Right," he chirped, moving his head back to my shoulder.

"So," I giggled, "what were some of the other little things you dreamt of doing with me?"

Nagito whimpered. "I... I want to take you out on dates. I want to make you chocolates for Valentine's Day."

"Aww," I cooed.

"More than anything, I just wanted to touch you and be able to hold you like this," he said as he began to trailing his fingers along my chest. "And I wanted to kiss you properly. As much as I love it when you kiss my forehead and cheeks, I've wanted to kiss-"

I tilted my head back to kiss his lips, and he melted into the kiss. "Breakfast is ready," I whispered.

"You treat me so well," he swooned as he let go so I could place the French toast on a plate.

"Just so you know, I've dreamt of the same things," I said, as I placed the plate on the table. "I enjoy being able to touch and hold you, too. So come here." I pulled Nagito down onto my lap, to which he blushed profusely at. "I want to hold you now."

"Is this what our relationship is going to be now? Us fighting over who will get to hold who?" he teased as I cut into breakfast.

"I doubt we'll really fight over it. This is just something I've wanted to do for a while," I said as I held a bite of the food up to Nagito's lips, causing him to blush even more. "I like seeing you get all flustered."

"H-Hajime!" he pouted, and I laughed, kissing his pout away.

"Oh, I'm just teasing-" Nagito opened his mouth and bit the food off the fork. I smirked. "Unless you want me to feed you."

"S-shut up," he whined, laying his head on my shoulder.

"I don't remember you acting all cute like this in the morning," I chuckled, holding him tight. "I really like it."

"I didn't-"

"Nagito!" Sonia's voice sang throughout the complex, and we each jerked our heads over to the front door. She glided into the apartment and looked around, tsking at the leftover coffee mugs and tray of cookies from last night. "Shouldn't you clean up before you- Hajime?"

Nagito blushed and hid his face from Sonia, making me laugh. I kissed his forehead and ran my fingers through his hair. "What are you doing here, Sonia?"

"I wanted to check in and see how the dinner plan worked out last night. I didn't expect for Hajime to have spent the night," she replied. "If I had known, I never would have come over. My apologies, Hajime."

"It's okay," I said.

"Sonia," Nagito slowly said, lifting his head to face her, "Hajime and I are officially dating now."

"Lovely," she giggled, clasping her hands together. "I'm very happy for you both. If you were to date anyone, Hajime is the only one who passes all the tests."


"I had to make sure you were good enough for Nagito, so I had you come to dinner with Gundham and myself to see what type of person you are. Thankfully, you passed the test with flying colors, so I give the two of you my full blessing."

"Thanks, Sonia," Nagito murmured.

"Truly, I wish you would have told me he was spending the night," Sonia sighed, crossing her arms. "I'd set up brunch reservations for us. I can call and ask them to add another person."

"For me? I can't," I replied.

"What's wrong?" Nagito asked.

"Nothing. It's Chiaki's Smash tournament today, and she asked me to go since Kazuichi was called into work."

"So you were just going to leave me home alone?" he teased.

"My parents are home," I said, tickling his sides. He squealed and pushed my hands off him. "So is everyone else. I'm sure you could entertain yourself for an afternoon." I sighed. "I didn't think we would have spent the night here, though. I never want to leave you alone here."

"Hajime, I'll be fine. Really. Sonia and I will go out, and I'll head back home to spend time with your parents or someone else in the neighborhood. I was only messing with you."

"Okay," I murmured, puckering my lips. Nagito happily leaned down to cup my cheek and kiss me.

"You two are so sickly adorable," Sonia giggled, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm happy you found someone who makes you so happy."

Nagito chuckled as he stood up, pulling me up with him. I cupped his cheek and ran my thumb under his eye. "I'll see you at home tonight."

"Okay," he murmured, leaning in to kiss me again.

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