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At the end of the night, when the party ended, I walked Nagito out to his car. Toko and Komaru were finishing up saying goodnight to each other, leaving us alone to talk. He kept his hands shoved in his pockets and stared at the ground, but I could see him smiling.

"Tell Kyoko thank you again for inviting me tonight," Nagito said, lifting his head to stare in my eyes. "I had a lot of fun with your friends. They're all very nice people."

"They all loved you," I said, clasping my hands behind my back. "I, uh..." I scratched the back of my neck and sighed. "Nagito, I'm really sorry if we made you uncomfortable tonight with that... Spin the Bottle. The original plan to play and have Kyoko spin and have us all jump away so she would be forced to kiss Makoto. I had no idea they were going to do that to us as well."

"It's okay," he replied, smiling sheepishly.

I frowned. "You say that, but I saw your face when we all had to play. You seemed scared out of your mind."

"I might have been a little nervous, but it's really okay."

"Still, that's not how we should have made you feel. You're not used to hanging out with us- and it's not like we usually do that or anything," I quickly corrected, holding my hands up. "We do tend to get a bit crazy when we all get together, but we don't-"

"Hajime, breathe," Nagito laughed, grabbing my hands and holding them securely. "You really don't have to worry about me, okay? I didn't mind, because it was you that I kissed."

"Really?" I murmured.

"If it were anyone else, I would have minded." He shook his head. "I'm glad it wasn't."

Feeling myself swoon, I stepped closer. "So am I."

Nagito stared at my lips. "You're an amazing kisser. It was sweet and... tender."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Feeling myself lean in, Nagito closed his eyes.

"Sorry, Nagito!" Toko called out, running to the driveway. The two of us quickly pulled away and smiled at Toko. "We need to get going. My parents are going to want me home soon."

"Sure thing." Nagito turned to me and smiled sadly. "I'll see you Tuesday."

I'd forgotten we had Monday off. It was an institution day, so I wouldn't see him for another two days. I didn't want that. I wanted to see him right away. Texting suddenly didn't feel like enough, and while I wanted him to come over, I wanted it to be special.

Before Nagito could close the car door, I grabbed it and said, "I want to cook dinner for you."


"Not... now, I mean, just... I'd like to cook dinner for you tomorrow. Will that work?"

Nodding quickly, he blurted, "Yes. I'd love that."

"Great," I exhaled, chuckling. "Come by around six, okay?"

"Sounds great."

I closed the car door for him and waved as he pulled out of the driveway and exited the cul-de-sac.

Walking back into the backyard, I pointed at everyone and shouted, "What you people did was not cool!"

"I'm sorry, Hajime," Chiaki said, stepping up to me. "We all thought it would help push the two of you a little closer together. It wasn't supposed to upset either of you."

"You're all lucky he was okay with it." I lifted my hands to my face and groaned. "I really wish I didn't kiss him."

"Why?" Kyoko questioned.

"My feelings for him are even stronger now," I answered. "I think I'm actually falling in love with him."

"Yay!" Ibuki exclaimed.

"Not yay," I whined.

"Hajime," Kyoko said, "would you mind helping me carry some of these dishes back into the kitchen?"

Nodding, I helped her collected the platters and utensils used and carried them into her kitchen.

"Listen," she stated as she rinsed everything off, "I truly believe you are overthinking it. I believe Nagito likes you."

"Which he might, but... we were talking one day in this... special spot of his that he doesn't show other people, and he told me he'd never had a friend like me before. He said he valued me and was happy to have me in his life and called me his best friend. Yes, friends can turn into lovers, and lovers should start as friends, but based on all the things he told me, I think it's better to remain his friend and continue being someone he can trust and rely on. I don't want to ruin that trust."

"What were the things he told you?"


"Good," she said, nodding. "I'm sorry if the kiss complicated things for the two of you. It's obvious that he has a soft spot for you, which has allowed him to value you and feel as though he can rely on you. If you truly love Nagito, I believe with all my heart that in order to win his, you need to continue being there for him. Be yourself, and he will fall in love with you as well."

"You said you could tell how much longer it would be until then based on me hugging him," I commented.

"Which I know."

"Then... how much longer?"


And Kyoko is not wrong. I know you are all waiting for these two to get together, but I promise it's coming soon! I won't let you all down. Glam on!

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