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Being an Ultimate wasn't too bad. I met a lot of interesting people at Hope's Peak because it, and I enjoyed spending time with the other club members. Everyone was super nice and encouraging. If it seemed like I needed help, everyone was sure to give me tips and pointers. I was surprised by how supportive Sonia and Fuyuhiko were. The way they treated their clients versus the rest of us were different, but it was clear they injected assets of their own personalities into their Ultimate personas.

Fuyuhiko was definitely a bad boy type, but he was incredibly encouraging and polite as well. He was the epidemy of "bad boy with a heart of gold." As for Sonia, she definitely had a dominant personality, but she was fair and supportive like a good dom. Plus, she really was into all things occult.

After what Nagito said about Peko and Gundham's relationships with Fuyuhiko and Sonia, I noticed more of the subtle ways they showed affection to each other. I'd heard Gundham call Sonia a she-cat, and whenever she behaved extra sweet to him, he'd blush and smile faintly. As for Peko and Fuyuhiko, I noticed the stares they gave each other, as well as the smiles they only shared with each other. If Nagito never pointed them out, I never would have noticed.

Thankfully, it didn't seem Byakuya noticed either. I wasn't sure what the rules were regarding Ultimate's dating someone, considering they were essentially selling a relationship-like experience, but I didn't think it would be a good thing if their Ultimate's were taken. It would probably ruin business. Though, if he were to be able to date Makoto, I bet he would be okay with the other Ultimate's dating.

It wasn't as if I was worried regarding dating anyone. There wasn't anyone I exactly wanted to date. Sure, I could admit that I was developing a small crush on Nagito, but I'd much rather get to know him better as a friend first before I started thinking about wanting to date him.

After giving him my number, we texted a lot. After club activities, when we were both home, he'd text me first, and we'd text throughout the night until we went to bed. Of course, whenever I was out with Chiaki or Kazuichi, I made sure to focus more of them than him. Though, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the next opening when I could respond to Nagito's texts.

Tonight, though, I wanted to make sure to focus more on the fun I was having being out with my friends. Ibuki's band, Band Aid, was performing at the Riverside Garage, an old garage that had been contorted into a popular teen and young adult venue for punk, rock, and metal bands. All of us in the cul-de-sac came to support her band, as we all did enjoy her punk rock sound. Since we only managed to all get together a few times a month, I wanted to make sure I was focusing more on my time with them.

Yet every time I felt my phone in my pocket, I thought about Nagito sitting alone in his home, waiting for me to text him back, feeling all alone. All I wanted was to text him back and keep him company. Luckily, his next message was a picture message of him spending time with Sonia and Gundham, so at least I knew he wasn't alone tonight.

"Texting one of your Ultimate buddies?" Komaru questioned as she slid next to me in the booth. Everyone else was on the dancefloor, but I needed to take a quick break.

"What if I am?" I teased.

"Which one?" Only Komaru knew that Makoto and I were Ultimate's. If any of our friends were to find out, we knew they'd tease the hell out of us, so we kept it on the down low. Since Komaru was Makoto's sister, she knew about the Ultimate Club, and she was too nice to make any jokes about it.

"Just one of the servers. Nagito."

"Ugh," she groaned, sliding her cheek into her hand. "I wish I could see you two in action. I would love to see what this Ultimate Club is like. Whenever Makoto mentions it, it sounds so surreal. I mean, people paying for a date-like experience with the both of you?"

"Hey, we're desirable," I chuckled. "It's not as bad as it sounds."

"At least Kyoko isn't the jealous type, or else we'd have a problem."

"Are you excited about her coming back?"

"Super," Komaru said, clasping her hands together. "I miss her so much. Plus, we need some more bonding time before we officially become sisters."

"Who do you think will propose first?"

"I bet Makoto will try to, but Kyoko will tell and swoop in to do it first."

"Ooh, that's good," I nodded.

"Hey!" Aoi yelled as she ran up to our table, slapping her hands down on it. "Why are you two sitting? We should be dancing!"

"Alright, alright," I chuckled, gently shoving Komaru out of the booth and following Aoi to the dancefloor where our group was. The moment she was back by Sakura's side, she took her hands and began to spin around.

Chiaki reached out to grab my hands and began dancing with me. Makoto swooped in and began dancing with me as well, twirling and spinning me around. When we were able to get a good view of Ibuki, we took a group photo, which I instantly sent to Nagito. I thought Sonia and Gundham would also get a kick out of seeing Makoto in his natural habitat.

Nagito responded quickly with a heart emoji.

"Ooh, who you texting? Nagito?" Makoto questioned, slugging his arm around my neck, as we all made our way back to our booth.

"So what?"

"Who's Nagito?" Sakura questioned.

"Isn't he one of your classmates?" Chiaki questioned. "The really nice one you mentioned?"

"So you talk about him a lot, huh?" Makoto teased, elbowing me in the gut.

"I do not," I pouted. "He's my friend."

"Yet he sent you a heart."

"At the picture I sent."

"What kind of picture?" Kazuichi smirked.

"The one we just took," I deadpanned.

"Aww, that's so cute," Aoi gushed, grabbing Sakura's hand. "So, do you have a crush on him?"

"What?" I exclaimed, no doubt blushing at that moment. "H-he's my friend."

"Friends can always become something more," she giggled.

"But it's always good to start off as friends so you can get to know them better and decide whether you really want to be with them romantically or not," Sakura added.

"Ooh, yeah, that's true," Aoi agreed.

"Look, all I know is that we are just friends right now, and I am not planning to think of him as anything more right now."

Of course I thought about what it would be like for us to date. I liked him enough to think about dating him, but that didn't mean that I was ready to date him. Or anyone for that matter. My priority was getting to become better friends with him first. It honestly seemed like what he wanted more than anything. I didn't want my crush to deepen and then have it ruin whatever friendship we could have.

Besides, if I was thinking about it, it didn't seem like he was interested in dating me. He was sweet and kind to everyone, so he was just being the same friendly person to me as well. I was just happy that he enjoyed texting me and talking with me. That was enough to make me happy.

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