Musical Moments Part 43

Start from the beginning

The game developed from those first songs, as they sent song links and described how the songs made them feel about each other.  The unspoken rule was that it had to come back within the day but the speed with which they responded to each other's clever cuteness meant that that rule was rarely tested.


There were days when their schedules didn't allow for much interaction during the day before their usual night-time call but even these interactions weren't always enough and a text and a song-link might be sent during the night.  Usually, in those quiet moments, their thoughts were turning to how much they felt the physical absence of their soul-mate.  On one such night, Hye-won was restless and woke to sip some water and looked with sorrow at the smoothly tucked covers, when almost as though her love sensed that she missed him so intensely, she heard a ding on her phone - 

Sweetie, I'm missing you so much right now - and this song is really not helping - or maybe it is - depending on how you see that.  I just hate to be without you - love you love you - 

The text from Seon-jae alerted her to the fact that she was on his mind I think I'm always on his mind and she played the song he had sent her - I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you - and Hye-won immediately realised the exact kind of missing that her one was feeling so deeply just then.  You are not alone, my darling.  As she heard the punchy beats and the singer describing the power of an overwhelming physical attraction - chemistry was crazy from the get-go, neither one of us knew why - the memory of the magnetic pull that had bonded them from first glances sent a shiver through her.  The singer rubbished the stereotypes that others foisted upon them and the chorus brought the full declaration of the impossible need that lovers feel - we've been too strong for too long and I can't be without you, baby, I'll be waiting up until you get home because I can't sleep without you, baby.   She loved the bridge, featuring a call and answer section, similar to the one on their memorable sexy summer spirit night - fellas, tell your lady she's the one, oh put your hands up, ladies, let him know he's got your love, look him right in the eyes and tell him he's the oneHearing about not being able to sleep without that special one to hold and love got Hye-won's mind working - especially at this time of night - and in moments, she had sent an answering link to Seon-jae's phone, a lonesome, sweet smile playing on her face.


When Seon-jae clicked and listened to the rise and fall of the simple piano chords, the there-and-gone-again melody mirrored in medium and low male voices, he was instantly sucked into the breathing rhythm of the tune, realising that this was a dream-like confession of devotion, just as he felt for his one.  As the singer sang - and I know, times like this, you just take it slow, fall asleep in the pillows, she got my heart in a choke-hold - he felt the force of the words, as though he was singing them himself.  The power of the song increased with the entry of a pulsing rhythm track and the mood of sensuality deepened.  The second verse was the one that really affected him - and there she goes, heart that pounds like a stereo, you take me round and round like the merry-go but one more ride, baby, here we go.  Here were his feelings exactly, the hypnotic effect that being united in the gorgeous cocoon of their bed always exerted on him, her heart's beat running through him - his through hers - and the erotic ecstasy that always flowed from that.  He felt his heart pounding and urges surge through him, as the techno-beats of the later part of the tune seemed to pound within him.  When the song faded with the simplest of piano chords again, he felt bereft without his love, wanting her in every part of him, and the luxurious hotel bed was far, far too wide - 

She got my heart in a choke-hold...I'm dying more ride baby, here we go...dying...

And then he saw the green light showing that his love was video-calling him and he answered with a smirk, that was far from dying.


After that, all through the summer, they were both actively listening for songs that they could send to each other to express their aching feelings.  Another one of Hye-won's powerful offerings was a song that suggested that rational thought had no place in matters that had originated in evolution - lay your hand on me, see if it belongs, we're all tangled up in evolution, you can't work out the simplest of sums.  The lyrics described how words were inadequate to capture primal urges - like attraction and lust - language is hard, language is cold, language is too rude and angular - and it was lips which needed to feel the genuine, life-affirming connection - lay your mouth on mine and I won't ask again, if you want to do this one thing for me, no question worth asking will remain.  It was clear to Hye-won that this was exactly what she had felt the first time she had put a hand on Seon-jae - when she was delivering the extreme compliment on Day One - as she felt an electric charge zap through her, as though his body and hers knew they belonged together, before their minds could accept it.  Her text was full of the longing these memories brought back to her - 

I'm thinking of our first day - when I lay my hand on you and our new life began - and again, when you lay your mouth on mine in the garage - so hard, so hot - and nothing could have kept me from kissing you back - just as hard, just as hot.  But thank God you did and I did and now, it's all we ever want and there really is no question worth asking - miss you miss you, love you love you.


Seon-jae's almost immediate response melted Hye-won's insides from the moment she read his text and clicked on the link - 

 Let me be your night potion, your one RomeoYou already are, my one true Romeo.  

She let the deeply sexy, mellow tones flow over her, with words so sensual and heart-felt - let me feed that keen appetite, I'll give you kisses in the morning, your starter for the night.  There was such heat and power in the lyrics that Hye-won could almost feel Seon-jae's arms around her body, as he swayed them in time to the tune, singing to her - let me be the reason for lonely, sleepless nights, when I hold you in my arms, I can feel you taking effect.  The song finished with the incantation to - warm love, good lasting love - leaving her feeling the loneliness that the singer had sung of deep in her soul.  Her bad girl felt the need to punish her darling for his unbearable sweetness though, and she decided to dial up the heat - 

You're a naughty boy seems like you just won't be told.

She hit send poor babyboy - I almost feel sorry for him though her filthy grin betrayed that she was unrepentant.

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