Chapter 64 - Tyler, Adam, Pierce, and Leah: Eclipse

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Chapter 64 - Tyler, Adam, Pierce, and Leah: "Eclipse"

On the night of the event, Leah came into Boris's room while they were all sitting around on the floor, playing a money-managing board game that Adam consistently tried to cheat at. "It's time, you guys. Tonight's the night."

"But we're in the middle of a game I'm winning!" Adam complained.

"This is a little more serious than that," Leah blinked. "Tyler, do you remember how it works?"

The German shepherd looked up. "I sure do. I'm totally terrified now that you've told me what's supposed to happen."

Leah leaned against the door frame. "I know, but I know you can do it. If you wanna save Boris, this is how we do it."

Pierce sighed. "And I'm gonna be holding the mirror as still as I can, don't worry."

"My coven is gonna meet us there," Leah told them. "We should get going to make sure everything is prepared. Come on, everyone."

Adam looked down. ". . . I wonder if I'll ever be back in this place."

"Maybe. We just have to hope," Tyler answered, genuinely feeling bad for how rough this animal has had it in such a short period.


They all piled into the car, Tyler the designated driver, as Leah sat in the back holding a box of supplies needed for the ritual. Adam sat in the passenger's seat, staring out the window quietly as he realized this was probably his last ride. Pierce sat in the back, trying to make polite conversation to keep it from being so awkward. They had loved it when they were hanging out as a group, and they felt like they actually had friends, but this just felt sad.

Arriving at the destination, Adam gasped. "Wow! We're already back here, huh?! What a coincidence that we have to do it here!"

"Not really," Leah commented, opening the door and pushing it open with her foot. "The ritual has to be done on a body of water, and when I found out there was a pretty big pond here from you and Tyler, I figured we should do the ritual here."

"Won't there be tourists?" Adam asked concernedly.

"Don't worry, we're going to have other witches as lookouts. If they see anything, we have the Mortal Guard's memory-altering spell to back us up."

Adam blinked. "Memory altering spell? That's gotta be the same one they used on Neil . . . ." Everyone left the car and looked around in the darkness. They congregated behind the vehicle, Leah keeping the box held in both of her arms.

"Yeesh, this spell is ancient. I wonder how they even discovered it back then," Leah commented. "I mean, they probably didn't have an old book to tell them how to do it."

"I was wondering the same thing," Tyler commented. "Who was just sitting around experimenting with mirrors and figured this out in these exact conditions?"

"Wild," Adam huffed.

Pierce held their arms out. "Finally. Feels good to be outside again at night. I haven't left the mansion for so long . . . ."

Tyler looked around, blinking. "So when's the coven gonna be here?"

"Oh, they've been here," Leah told him. "They had some setting up to do before we began. They're already at the pond."

"Guess we better hike out there then, huh?"


As they walked along, Tyler recalled the escape from Adam through these very woods. He had been terrified and confused, and the hole in his cheek had hurt like hell. Not to mention all of the blood running into his throat.

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