Chapter 11 - Boris: Two Bright Lights

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Chapter 11 - Boris: "Two Bright Lights"

That night, Boris and Tyler arrived at the Lowball, a large building with a huge blinking yellow neon sign in cursive lettering beside the magic eight ball synonymous with the bar. The otter didn't know much about the establishment, having never been a social animal. His parents also wouldn't have approved of him partying with common-class folk. Going to school? Fine. The park? Sure. But full-on parties where they could risk slandering the Downing Family name? It was treason.

Nonetheless, Molly and Leah still snuck out to parties whenever they pleased. Leah more than Molly. And the one time Boris did it—Well, it didn't end well. That was when he had slain Travis.

"Sheesh!" Tyler lauded. "Look at that line!"

Boris turned the steering wheel slowly in the parking lot, searching for an open spot. "Looks like we have a wait, then."

"The closer we get to you killing this guy, the more nervous I am," Tyler said. "So a wait's nice."

Boris found a spot and rolled the car into the small space, putting it into park and pulling the brake. "You know, it would be nice if I could just skip forward in time, past all this."

Tyler, looking out the window at the string of animals wrapping around the building, sighed. "I've been thinking."

"Is that so?"

"This is horrible." He rolled down the window and took out a box of cigarettes from his shorts. He pulled a stick out as well as a lighter.

"Do you and Nick really have to?" Boris frowned, never the one to be a fan of their smoking habits.

"And it sucks," Tyler continued, lighting the end of the cigarette.

Boris pressed the button on the side of his door, and the window lowered with a hum. "This isn't a new development, Tyler."

The German shepherd inhaled a puff of smoke, then blew it out the window, coughing gently. Boris just sat and watched him smoke the entire thing. After he was finished, Tyler chucked it to the asphalt below. "Now!" The German shepherd said, pulling off his shirt and exposing his built chest, as well as his small muscles and bruises.

The otter looked at each one for a moment. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna have fun before it turns into a maelstrom in there," Tyler said. "You're gonna be seeing weirder stuff than this inside." Boris didn't respond, turning off the car and unbuckling his seatbelt, putting his keys in the pocket of his ridiculous shorts, and opening the door. Tyler did the same, and they convened at the car's back, strolling toward the line. Boris had the small portable mirror in his other pocket, knowing that he would need it to retrieve his weapon when it was time.

The closer they got to the building, the louder the electronic music became. The glowing light from the sign illuminated the pair's faces as the sun had just finished setting, the sky awash with dark blues and purples.

Walking around the left-hand side of the building, Boris and Tyler found their place in line, right behind two animals who were already inebriated, laughing about something one of their friends did recently. The outfits they wore were similar to that of the rest of the animals in line, with many colors and cosmic patterns. Some of the colors were so bright that they were almost blinding. Boris stood, looking down at his feet, which still had the flip-flops. He still hated the way they looked, along with the rest of his body, but it's what he had to do. This much fur shouldn't be exposed, he thought to himself.

"So, what's the plan?" Tyler asked. "You gonna charge in there and just take him out?"

"No," Boris said. "And keep your voice down! I'll need to blend in first and find him. I suggest we do magnet protocol."

Static Reflections: Book 1 of The Mortal Guard SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now