Chapter 29

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I found inspiration of a new potential kink...

I need to start researching some more kinks~

Edit: I thought I published this, but I guess I didn't...


~Hoseok's POV~

Taehyung had punched me so hard and broke my nose so badly that I had to get surgery on my nose so that I wouldn't have trouble breathing from now on.

And it's fucking ridiculous.

Seokjin and Namjoon had gone home once I was settled, since I had been put into surgery for it pretty quickly. It was more of a simple cosmetic surgery to make it straight and not threatening, but the doctor's seemed worried enough that they decided to put me through immediately.

And now I'm finally coming down from from anesthesia.

I better not look like a fucking idiot whenever they take this damn cast off my nose.

I groaned quietly as I stared up at the ceiling from where I sat in a hospital room's bed, waiting for a doctor to bring me the paperwork to leave. I'd been here throughout the night and into some of the day, and I was ready to leave.

Not quite ready to go home though.

I don't know how I'm supposed to face Taehyung after this.

I sighed, feeling extremely bored as the doctor was taking his sweet time. I laid back in the bed and closed my eyes, rubbing the side of my head which was starting to ache a bit.

Fuck...hurry up, man...


A soft voice cut me out of my thoughts. My eyes widened and I immediately sat up whenever I heard the voice, and gulped thickly whenever I saw Jungkook standing in the doorway.

"Kookie..." I called softly, furrowing my brows. " long have you been here?"

He frowned a little, averting his gaze to the floor. "I got here about thirty minutes ago. I left after you went into surgery." He said softly.

Did he still care enough to stay? He worried about me?

I smiled a little, standing up from the bed--only to find that I wasn't off the anesthesia enough to walk yet. My numb legs made me collapse to the floor with a grunt, making Jungkook gasp worriedly and quickly come to my side. He helped me off the floor and to sit back on the bed, before he scolded me softly. "Don't try to stand, hyung! You've only been out of the surgery room for a few hours!"

"I'm fine, Jungkookie. My legs are just numb still from the anesthetic." I mumbled, though I was smiling at the fact that he was worried about me.

Jungkook frowned at me, but didn't argue. Whenever he realized that I was smiling at him, he blushed and backed away from me.

"S-Stop staring at me. I'm still mad at you, you know..."

"You're mad, but you're still so worried about me?" I asked with a soft smile, but it soon faded. "Listen, Jungkookie--"

"No. I don't want to hear any of that right now." He said softly. "My only goal is to get you home, okay? I already signed you out."

"You signed me out?" I asked with furrowed brows.

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