Chapter 39

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I think I'm about to write the Epilogue...


I'm gonna look over the last few chapters first and see if I feel like I need to do anything else first. But I think this story will be done in the next 4 chapters or so. I might be uploading the last of it today.


Before I knew it, about two weeks had passed. Namjoon had moved out and into an apartment alone with Seokjin, I had gotten a producing job at bighit, and Jungkook had asserted himself into Hoseok, Taehyung and I's apartment.

And now that the three were constantly together, constantly fucking together, I was desperate to get out and into a different apartment.

And now, I'd found a decent one that I thought Jimin, Jiyoon and I could comfortably move into and be able to accommodate for the new baby too when it comes.

It's perfect.

I'd already signed the lease on a monthly basis, and today was the day that it would be opened up for us to go inside of it.

The thing is, Jimin doesn't know I've already gotten the apartment.

Nor does he know that I also have gotten him a promise ring.

Cause Bighit pays me really fucking well.

So now, all that was left was to call Jimin and tell him the surprise news.

"Hey baby." I rasped as I walked out the door of the shared apartment while the jerks were having a threesome.

Jimin only groaned tiredly into his phone.

I chuckled quietly. "Did I wake you?"

"Yes." He grumbled.

"Sorry. But I have good news, baby. I'm coming to pick you up. Get ready, love."

"What for?" He whined quietly, but I could hear him pushing himself out of bed.

"You'll see, babe. It's a surprise."

"Can't we do it at my apartment? Jiyoon has a cough. I don't want to leave her."

"I mean, I guess we can do it there." I mumbled as I grabbed my little lease paper to the apartment, guessing I would just show him the paper. "And why am I only just now hearing that she's sick?" I lightly scolded.

"She just started coughing this morning. We've been spending the day together in bed. She's sleeping. I think she's just got a little sore throat. She doesn't have a fever or anything. But even so, I want to be with her."

"You don't think you should take her to a doctor?"

"No. You shouldn't take a child to the doctor every single time they get sick, hyung. If you do and they get medicinal treatment every little time they get sick, then as they grow, their immune system will be weak since their body always relied on that medicine to fit illness. So she'll be more susceptible to illnesses when she's older if she doesn't tough out some things. I'm watching her though. She's alright, honey."

I didn't like the answer very much, but he did have a point. "Okay...but if anything happens, you better call me, okay? Better yet, I'll spend the day with you both too."

"I think we would both like that. Are you off today?"

"Yeah. I'm off. And I'm about to head over, babe. I'll see you when I get there, okay?"

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