Chapter 3

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~Yoongi's POV~

The next day, I spent the morning taking entrance exams for college. And whenever I was done, I went sightseeing with Taehyung, who didn't want to go alone but couldn't find anyone to come with him. So I got to know him and his excessive love for art and landscapes a bit better while he talked my ear off. Then he told me all about Jungkook and how much he missed him, and how he really wanted to see him soon. Though most of the time I just tuned him out.

Whenever we finally got back to the apartment, I quickly retreated to my room so I wouldn't have to listen to him anymore. I got to work working on my application for the program at the company I wanted to try out, quickly filling it out before one. I'd promised my mom that I would call her then before she left the country, so she could check in on me.

I sighed as I listened to my phone ringing, and gave a small smile when she picked up.

"Hey mom." I said simply.

"Hi honey. How's the city life treating you?" She asked. I could hear her moving around in the background as we spoke.

"I've only been here for a day and a half, mom. I'm barely settled in. I don't have anything to tell you."

"Well, then tell me about your little boyfriend. Have you seen him yet?"

I sighed. "No. Namjoon doesn't intend on letting us meet until I get started on college and that program I told you about."

"Oh. Well honey, maybe that's for the best. You should get used to the city before you start getting back into a relationship like that. You don't even know if you love him anymore."

"Well...either way, I still want to see him. Namjoon doesn't know if he had the pup or not. So I don't even know if I'm a father or not. But regardless...even if I don't love him, or have a child with him, I'd still like to see him. To see how he's doing and how life has been treating him. If I don't miss him as a boyfriend, I miss him as a friend."

"Honey, I don't mean to rain on by our parade or anything, but I really doubt he had your pup. His parents most likely would have made him get rid of it. You shouldn't get your hopes up. And besides, didn't you tell me he wanted to be a dancer long ago? He couldn't have danced if he had been pregnant."

"...Right." I said softly. I really didn't know if I wanted him to have the pup or not. A part of me wanted to know he had it, and that I was the father of a beautiful baby. But the other part was scared. I didn't know how to be a father. I was too young to be a father. But...Jimin was too young to be a mother when I did that to him. Though neither of us knew that would happen, it was my fault. I should have been more careful with him.

"-ney? Honey?" My mom calling me brought me back to attention.

"Huh? What?" I asked, making her chuckle quietly.

"I was saying that I needed to go. My flight is in an hour and a half and I need to get there."

"Oh. Okay, well...bye mom. Will you be able to call me when you get there?"

"I'll try, honey. Bye, I love you."

"Love you too."

Once our call ended, I sighed. My parents were gonna be out of the country for two months this time. It wouldn't be that long compared to usual and I probably wouldn't see them in that time anyway, but I would still miss them.

I ran my fingers through my hair and ruffled it as I got up and left my room, hoping to find some company in this quiet house. Only to find that everyone was gone. I frowned, thinking that Taehyung had just been here, but shrugging it off and deciding to take a shower.

~Namjoon's POV~

"Hey." I said with a smile as Jungkook got in the taxi with me. "Sorry, I don't have a car yet."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Jungkook said with a smile back. "It's nice to see you again, hyung."

"It's nice to see you again too, Jungkook." I said. An awkward silence followed my sentence, with me tapping my feet quietly on the floorboard and Jungkook slowly beginning to play on his phone to get out of the awkward silence.

" have you been? How's the college life treating you?"

"Fine." He said simply.

I sighed at his simple answer. Jungkook had been quite uninterested in conversations with me since moving to Seoul. I didn't know why; he just was. It kind of hurt to think the boy didn't see or need me as a big brother anymore. I didn't like how much he'd grown up and gotten nonchalant about everything.

So I questioned him about it.

"Do you not like my company anymore, Jungkook?" I asked bluntly, making the boy look up at me curiously.

"Of course I like your company, hyung."

"Then why do you always brush me off when I try to talk to you nowadays?"

He gave me a small frown. "I'm sorry if it seemed like that, hyung. I'm just...stressed a lot now. And...seeing you reminds me of my hyungs, so..." His eyes fell and he gave a small, fake smile. "It makes me kind of sad to see you because of that."

I frowned at his words. "I didn't know you associated us like that. I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. I'll get over it soon. I guess a part of me wished that they would come and visit or something. I feel like...they've forgotten about me. I really miss them..."

I smiled. "I'm sure you'll get to see them again soon, Jungkook." I said, nudging his shoulder playfully. "Cheer up. I can promise you those two haven't forgotten about you."

"Really?" He gave me a small smile.

"Really." I said, smiling back. He looked much more happy now, and we fell into a much more comfortable silence this time, that I was happy with. I grabbed my phone, and texted Yoongi to put my plan into motion.

Namjoon: Hey, I'm bringing over Jungkook. I want to give the guys some time alone. Want to go out for a bit so they can spend some time together?

Yoongi: Ugh.

I frowned at his answer, wondering what made him respond like that. But that wasn't going to deter me.

Namjoon: Is that a yes or a no?

Yoongi: It's an 'I guess but you owe me'.

Namjoon: I'll buy you an americano.

Yoongi: Deal.

Namjoon: Cool. We're three minutes away. Can you wait outside the apartment? I'm gonna send him up then we're gonna leave.

Yoongi: 'Kay. Taehyung and Hoseok just got back from somewhere a few minutes ago, so you're lucky.

Namjoon: And make sure you have your key. I'm gonna give Jungkook mine.

Yoongi: Okay. I'm outside, so hurry up. It's cold.

Namjoon: We're here. Give me a minute.

I nudged Jungkook whenever the car stopped, and he looked up at me then the apartment building. We both got out, and I took out my key as Jungkook came around the car. I held out my key to him and looked at him.

"You go on up. It's the upstairs door to the right. I'm gonna wait on someone. You can look around a bit while you wait." I said, trying to give an excuse but ending up sounding terrible.

Thankfully, Jungkook didn't question it. He took the key with a little nod and went up the stairs. Once he was out of sight, I looked for Yoongi to see him walking up to me.

"Ready to go?" I asked, and he nodded.


"Americano first. Then sightseeing."


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