Chapter 22

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Once again, not an edit^^ lol. I always forget to turn off the flash and end up blinding him.

Another update because I'm bored (waiting until I can go home) and because this book just hit 1k~ on October 14th~~

And there is still a lot more chapters to

Thank you babes~~

Also, some of you seem to have noticed, but for those of you that haven't, I published a smut oneshot book. Go check it out if you want~ thanks~❤


"Mama?" Jiyoon's soft voice called as she held up her arms for Jimin to pick her up. Jimin purred and scooped her up off the ground, holding her against his chest as he talked to Kai's mom. I stood behind Jimin awkwardly as Soojin ran around near us, wondering why she couldn't come too. Jimin told her repeatedly that Kai was going to come for her, but she wasn't having it. At least--not until Kai walked over and scooped her up, carrying her across the hall to their apartment. And with that, Jimin bid farewell to Kai's mother and carried Jiyoon out of the apartment with me following closely behind.

"Mama?" Jiyoon called softly again. "Mama...smells different..." She mumbled as she tucked her nose into his neck.

Jimin smiled at her. "Does mama smell a good kind of different?"

She nodded slightly.

"Mama," Jiyoon paused, like she was trying to comprehend what words should come next. "Mama smells daddy?"

Both Jimin and I looked at her surprised. "Does mama smell like daddy?" Jimin asked her.

"Daddy? Daddy smells like mama?"

Jimin smiled softly. "No. Mama smells like daddy."

"I see daddy? I want daddy..." She whined. "Have daddy?"

"Jiyoonie, do you want your daddy?"

"Where's daddy?"

Jimin smiled at her. "Can't you smell daddy?"

"Smell daddy? I smell daddy?" She asked, tilting her head.

Jimin kissed her forehead, before he looked at me. "You'll get to see daddy today. Are you excited?"

"Daddy? I see daddy?!" She asked, and he nodded.

"You can see daddy today. But first, let oppa hold you while mama gets your carseat, okay?"

Jiyoon nodded, obediently letting Jimin hand Jiyoon over to me. The pup held onto my shirt and watched Jimin as he opened up his car and got out her carseat. While Jimin was working on getting it set up in my car, Jiyoon looked up at me.

"You know daddy?" She asked curiously.

"Do I know your daddy?" I asked, as I bounced her up in my arms.

She giggled whenever I did, and held onto my shirt. "I want my daddy. I don't know daddy. Daddy not here." She tucked her nose into my head, and let out cute little grunting noises. "You smell like mama." She said, making me smile.

"Mama and I were together all day yesterday."

"Mama was with oppa? Is oppa trying to take daddy's place?" She asked, a little sad pout on her face. "Mama stays with daddy. Oppa can't have mama..."

I chuckled softly, and kissed the top of her head. "Alright. Oppa won't steal mama from daddy."

"Hyung, come here." Jimin said, as he looked over the car door. I obediently went over to him, and he took Jiyoon. She whined a little whenever he strapped her into the carseat, fussing about being restrained. "Jiyoon, stop it." He scolded, making her whine louder.

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