Chapter 10

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~Yoongi's POV~

"Are you almost here, Kyungsoo?" I asked as I sat down in a booth. I had just gotten off work when I called Kyungsoo so we could meet up.

"Yeah, almost! I'm about a minute walk away now."


"Well, while I'm on my way, why don't you start messaging Jimin?"

"Alright, I guess. I'm gonna hang up then. See you when you get here."

"Okay, hyung!"

After the call ended, I went to text Jimin. But as if he had been reading my mind, he texted me first.

Jimin: What are you doing?

Yoongi: Thought you were still mad at me, princess?

Jimin: I am.

Jimin: But I have nothing to do.

Jimin: So what are you up to?

Jimin: Are you at home?

Yoongi: No, I'm meeting my friend.

Jimin: At least you're honest with me.

Yoongi: What do you mean?

Jimin: Nothing.

Jimin: What are you going to be doing together?

Yoongi: Talking to you.

Yoongi: I actually had a favor to ask you.

Yoongi: My friend has a crush on Kai, and I was wondering if you could help me set them up?

Before I could read what he responded, Kyungsoo came into the coffee shop I was in and approached my booth. He sat down with a smile and said, "Hi, hyung. So...what's going on so far?"

"I just asked him to help me set you both up. I haven't gotten a reply yet."

"Oh, okay! Well...I'm gonna order some coffee while you ask him then."

"Okay." I said with a smile. He smiled back before he stood to go and order, while I looked back down at my phone.

Jimin is typing...

Jimin: What's in it for me if I help you?

Yoongi: You won't have to worry about him taking me away if he has a boyfriend...

Jimin is typing...


Jimin is typing...

Jimin: I wasn't worried about him taking you from me.

Jimin: You aren't even mine.

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