Chapter 23

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I made that curry^^^ Does it look good? It tasted good.



On a more serious non-gay-hentai note, I'm not too happy with the way this story is going 😓 I've written further than you guys have read, and...

I'm really not satisfied with it...


Whenever I woke up, it was morning. I groaned quietly, cracking my eyes open whenever I felt a little weight on my chest. I looked down to see Jiyoon asleep on my chest, her little nose buried in the crook of my neck to scent me while her arms were splayed out around. I crooned softly whenever I saw the pup, but then my eyes shifted to see Jimin sitting at the dining room table with a coke, watching us.

"Good morning, grumpy." I said with a little smile. "Feel any better today?"

He didn't respond to my words. Instead, he said, "I see you two have gotten close."

I glanced down at Jiyoon, before I shrugged. "She did this. I fell asleep on my own while she was watching tv."

He hummed before he stood up and walked over, crouching down next to Jiyoon and I and kissing her forehead gently. Whenever he began to stand back up, I quietly whined. He looked at me whenever I whined, and furrowed his brows whenever I turned my cheek to him. He sighed, but obediently crouched back down to kiss my cheek. I crooned quietly whenever his soft lips pecked my cheek momentarily before he stood up and stretched. "I need a coffee..." He mumbled.

"Want me to go get you one? There's a coffee shop just down the street." I said with a smile.

"I need fresh air, too." He said, leaning down over me and kissing my lips. I perked up at the surprise kiss, smiling goofily at him as he mumbled raspily, "Watch Jiyoon for me?"

"I mean...I don't mind, but do you think I can handle her on my own...?"

"I doubt she'll wake up. But if she does, just turn on a cartoon for her. She'll be fine."

I hummed quietly. "Alright."

He purred, pecking my lips again before he mumbled, "I'll bring you a coffee too."

"Thank you, baby." I mumbled back, crooning quietly as he smiled and walked to the door, snatching my sandals that stood at the entrance and sliding them on before he walked out with his keys.

Whenever I was alone with Jiyoon, I sighed before I began to croon quietly. The pup melted on my chest, clutching tightly at my shirt as she seemed to fall into a deeper sleep as she listened to the noise. I turned the tv on to a quiet movie and watched it as I waited for Jimin to get back.

About thirty minutes passed though and Jimin still hadn't gotten back. I was watching the tv, until I heard a quiet whine on my chest. I averted my gaze to Jiyoon, my eyes widening whenever I saw the pup was awake and crying.

"Hey hey--what's wrong?" I asked quietly as I sat up, cradling the pup in my arms and letting her slide down into my lap.

"M-Mama..." She sobbed. "Where's mama?"

"He went to go get some coffee. He'll be back soon." I said, trying to reassure her, but that just seemed to throw the pup into a panic.

"M-Mama left me? M-Mama..I want mama back...!" She wailed, throwing me into a panic too. I furrowed my brows as I tried to think of something to calm the pup, but nothing really came to mind. I tried crooning, but that didn't seem to calm her at all.

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