Chapter 13

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~Jungkook's POV~

Despite what Seokjin had said to me and how he had explained to me about how they probably were just surprised to see me, I still felt angry at Hoseok and Taehyung. I've loved them both so much for all these years, but they've fallen out of love? I can't believe that they truly loved me in the first place.

So, I had decided to get a boyfriend and post around about it, in hopes that it would get back to them.

So...that's what I did.

I got a boyfriend (a fake one, obviously) named Yugyeom, and started posting pictures of us together every day. In reality he was just a good friend, but I wanted them to think we were together.

I had been pretending to be with him for only a total of one week whenever I received an angry message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Who the fuck is this?

The person sent me a picture of me and Yugyeom holding hands and smiling as the camera, standing very close with his arm wrapped around my waist.

Jungkook: Is it any of your business?

Jungkook: Who is this?

Unknown: Yes it is my business!

Unknown: Are you cheating on me and Hoseok hyung?

So it's Taehyung then.

Jungkook: No, I'm not.

Jungkook: As far as I recall, we broke up years ago and we haven't gotten back together.

Jungkook: So my love life isn't any of your business, hyung.

He didn't reply immediately. In fact, he didn't reply at all. Instead, I got a text from a different unknown number.

Unknown: Jungkookie, love...

Unknown: We thought that whenever we saw each other again, that that meant we were automatically back together.

Unknown: We didn't know you wanted us to ask you again.

Jungkook: Well either way, it's too late.

Jungkook: I have a new boyfriend now.

Unknown: ...If he makes you happy, then I'll try to be understanding, love.

Unknown: But...if things go wrong with him, then we'll always love you.

Unknown: I don't know how well or how fast Taehyung will accept you back, but...

Unknown: I promise you'll always have a place in my heart.

Unknown: I love you, Jungkook.

Unknown: Goodbye.

I frowned at his messages. He's willing to let me go that easily?

That One Quiet Kid | YoonminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora