Chapter 30

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Jimin looking like a fucking snack in white^^^

Which do you like better, BTS in all white or BTS in all black?

I think both look delicious.

Did I ever brag to you guys that I found a BT21 poster for 3 dollars at hobby lobby once? Or the fact that I can buy BTS posters at random stores in my city for only 5 dollars?

Living the good life, bitches 😎

On another note, I have like 40 posters of BTS (alone) hanging in my room.

Should I brag about that too? 🤡

With picture proof? Sksksk


~Yoongi's POV~

It isn't fun going to work looking like I'd been in a bar fight the previous night.

I got weird/appalled looks from every single person I passed. I had a huge bruise on my face and some cuts on my face from Namjoon smashing my face into the mirror, along with limping like I walked out of a fucking horror movie. The only thing they couldn't see was my bandaged up and bruised up torso.

I'm a fucking mess and everyone gets to fucking see it.

Whenever I walked into the studio, my trainer didn't look up at me. She greeted me whenever she heard me come in, but she busily paid more attention to whoever she had in the recording room.

"Good morning." I grumbled back hoarsely.

Whenever my trainer heard my voice, and turned her head to look at me as I sat down next to her in my chair. Her jaw dropped whenever she saw me, and she immediately scooted her chair closer to me. "Yoongi! What the hell happened to you?!" She fussed immediately, taking her attention off whoever was in the studio.

"Life." I spat, before I leaned back in my chair and scooted away from her a bit. "Who is in the rec room?"

"It's Jimin. The demo you sent to PD got rejected. He said it's good, but he wants you to rerecord some portions to change them a bit. If you can do that, he'll probably okay the song." She said, but I stopped listening when she said Jimin.

"Great. I'm going to go get some coffee." I grumbled, going to stand up, but she grabbed my hand.

"No. You help Jimin. I'll go get you some coffee. You look like a freaking zombie right now." She fussed, not taking no for an answer. She was out the door before I could decline her offer.


To make matters worse, Jimin came out of the recording room and froze the moment he saw me. I gave him a cold once over, before I looked away from him.

"Hyung, what happened to you?" He asked softly, coming over to me. He tried to reach out and touch my bruised up face, but I grabbed his wrist tightly midair and shoved his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me." I spat. "Get in the damn rec room so we can finish this stupid song and get this out of the way."

Jimin's gaze fell to the ground. He looked hurt, but I didn't care. Despite this though, he stood still.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "Kai hyung did it, didn't he? I didn't know that's what he left for..."

I ignored his apology. I snapped at him and pointed at the rec room.


His lip quivered. He couldn't mask the sad expression on his face. He obediently turned and went into the rec room.

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