Chapter 12

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TW: Mature content

Maddison Brooks

"Why did you do that?" I asked once speeding out of the parking lot.

"Wanting to see his reaction that you also can be with someone else, just as he is fucking his way through town." Charles muttered while he looked out on the passing street in front of us.

"Aww, almost as you care." I chuckled, pouting with my bottom lip when I turned to look at the man beside me.

Charles turned to me, giving me a fast glance before looking out on the wet street. "Car!" His hand gripped my tight as I slammed my foot on the break, the tires squeaking before the car came to a halt. The car in front of us just honked before continuing forward.

"Holy cheese pasta, we almost died!" I breathed out, Charles' eyes burned on my side once I pressed the accelerator down gently. "What?"

"Nothing." He mumbled, moving his hand up and down my thigh when I drove through town while trying to ignore the ache between my legs by clenching my thighs together. Feeling his pinky graze against my pelvis, biting down in my bottom lip to not act as needy as I suddenly feel. Looking at the man by my side, catching him looking away from me on the street. "Eyes on the road ma'am." Charles chuckled while his hand stopped high on my thigh before slowly creeping in between them.

His hand was pressed against me, rubbing his pinky over the fabric with steady movements over my entrance. Gripping the steering wheel hard enough to make my knuckles white as ghosts. Biting down in my lip even harder, hard enough for me to taste the metallic taste in my mouth.

Coming together with my thoughts, continuing with the game we played without informing one another that a new game has started. And, two can play this game.

Taking the steering wheel in one hand when my other moved to his lap, moving my palm over the fabric of his pants that was over the growing bulge in his pants. Hearing him curse under his breath as he jerked his hips towards my hand.

Since when have I had that effect? The effect of making a male's hips jerk into my touch to get more of it. Charles pinky touched my throbbing cilt, doing my best to not jerk into his touch as he had done. Grabbing the steering wheel again with both hands in a try for a little bit of control.

I started turning into the street where I live when Charles other hand forcing the car in another direction. "We are not going there yet." He said while leaving the steering wheel with his hand. "We finish what we have started today, principessa<princess>." His voice echoed with impatience when he spoke.

"When are we going?" I muttered annoyed with not just getting home and laying in bed for the rest of the day, knowing that the pills were under my sink if I needed them. His hand on my thigh left my leg to point forward in the direction I was going to drive in. I was left with a big ache between my legs when he didn't move his hand back in the position it was in earlier.

"Turn right then follow the street." I did what he said, driving down on a small street. Trees followed both sides of the car and moved high up into the air and leaned against each other, not letting the rain through into the woods.

Following the road for a few miles before the trees moved to the sides to show a huge modern house I haven't seen in ages, at least not since Charles moved away.

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