Chapter 38

369 10 7

Charles Barnes

The house was quiet, the only sound I could hear was the sound of the waves pushing up on the beach outside. It felt weird to hear them again after the many weeks of the summer. I've mostly been in Brooks house, thinking that when I left Italy then I would hangout and catch up with Max but ended up falling in love with his sister that I never thought I would do.

Life is fucking weird, but I've never been happier that only one person can bring me so much happiness even if I hated her since I meet her for the first time; for some reason.

Ticking my fingers into the mug if coffee as I leaned over the table in the kitchen, my rings touching the glass from time to time; interrupting my own thoughts and the peaceful sound of the ocean. Taking a sip of the warm coffee, the bitter sweet taste spreading in my mouth.

A knock on the door annoyed me now instead of my rings touching the glass. Pushing off the table, drinking up the last sip from the mug before placing it on the counter. Walking over the hard wooden floor to open the door and see who the fuck is banging on it like its life depended on it.

I swear if it wakens Maddison up, I'll loose my shit.

Opening the door, light and warm air blinded me for a second before I felt someone wrap arms around me for a second. My eyes got used to the light to see Annie stand in front of me, soon about to pass me to walk into the house like she always have been doing since we became friends.

Her long sun bleached hair had been cut to her shoulder blades, for once not down to her lower back. A neon orange bandini holding her hair back from her face. Annies back boots making squeezing sound by each step. "Non mi hai detto dove vieni<You didn't tell me you were coming>!" She said with her back against me when she opened a locker, taking a glass and filling it with water.

"Bene ora lo sai<Well now you know>" I chuckled as she drowned the glass of water all at once. "Ancora festeggiando<Still partying>?" I asked, knowing how much she went out  before I moved back home. How much both of us went out just for fun.

She shrugged her shoulders while setting the glass on the counter. "Allora dov'è la tua famiglia<So where is your family>?"

"Durante un viaggio d'affari, sono qui con la famiglia Brooks<On some business trip, I'm here with Brooks family>." Annie lighted up like when you flick on the lamp in a dark room. She opened her mouth to say something as steps came down the stairs on the other side of the wall that separated the kitchen and living room away from each other.

"Dude this place is amazing." Max said as he rounded the wall and walked in to the kitchen; grabbing my shoulder while shaking it back and fourth so I would know how amazing the place was even if I have spent every summer here for the past few years except for most of this summer until now.

I let out a chuckle while shaking my head a little; not as enthusiastic as him. "Who are you?" An Italian accent, Annies. She never took English class so seriously so her accent isn't as American as the rest of the people she was in school with.

Don't ask me why.

Max looked back and fourth between the blonde woman and me for a while before lifting a finger and pointing between us. "Are you two.."

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