Chapter 14

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Maddison Brooks

"Sorry, things got in the way." Claire said while her eyes went dreamy before she met  my gaze and the dreamy went to a smug smirk. "You must be Maddison." She noted as if she had never seen me before even if we both know that's a lie.

"Yes." I mumbled before I looked away from the blonde woman. Letting my forehead touch the floor when I leaned forward.

"Let's begin, shall we. Claire, sit down if you pull a muscle, for all I care." Cameron said; mumbling the last part under his breath, before he continued. "We will start with an easy warm up. You all have trained for it alone, I hope."

"You know what to do!" Cameron clapped his hands while I stood up from the floor. "I want Maddison and Kiron in the back while Claire and Neva I want standing in front." He said letting us take our given positions before he pushed on play.

My eyes were on the floor in front of my feet while I waited for the lyrics to start, going through the repeated short choreography in my head.

(Traitor- Olivia Rodrigo)

Brown guilty eyes and little white lies

The lyrics started as I lifted my right arm and moved it diagonally in front of my eyes before I did the same with the other and took two steps in front of me. I spun on my feet before I stood on weak knees with hands in the air before I pulled them down and to the side. 

Yeah, I played dumb but I always knew

I got out in a wide, deep position before standing up on one leg and the right back in the air before moving to my front.

That you'd talk to her, maybe did even worse

I let my right foot just touch the floor before I pushed off the floor into a spin that didn't need any concentration since I'm used to doing it more complicatedly.

I kept quiet so I could keep you

My right knee hit the floor at the same time as my elbow. Holding my left arm over my head, my left foot pointing against the floor. Then it all restarted, doing everything once again in the same way since the pulse of the song is the same all through.


"Great work!" Cameron said once we were done with the warm up. "Kiron and Maddison, let's do your choreography before Neva and Claire do the same. I want to put things into place for both of you so if we have to change we will have time."

Kiron walked up next to me, who was a little out of breath for not having been exercising the past few days.

"Are you ok Maddie? Do you need to sit down for a while? Neva and Claire you start instead." Cameron said not letting me come between to answer.

"Cam I'm fine, let's go." I said annoyed. Feeling Claire's against me while I tried to get my breathing under control again. Warm up shouldn't make me this breathless, it's almost embarrassing.

"Ready?" Cameron asked, I just gave him a thumbs up; not wanting to waste my breath on forming words. Sitting down I'm on my knees while Kiron stood a few feet away from me. "Let's go." He started the music when we were ready to start.

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