Chapter 16

649 15 16

TW: Mention of suicide

Maddison Brooks

Yesterday really happened, we really did make a deal about having sex. I never thought I would make such a deal in my life, a deal about having sex with the person I've hated my entire life. I hate him even if he can make me higher than any drug, he is like a drug. As long as no one finds out it will be okay, just like drugs; no one could find out about it without making it into a big deal.

Moving over to my side and checking the time on my phone, 8 am. It was earlier than I thought it would be, the sun already high in the sky outside my window. Sitting up with a groan, my body ached from both heavy exercise and sex yesterday. Yet my mind and body was restless and wanted to do things today.

Knowing that Evan has his summer art class today, leaving him with no time to hang around with me. Sending a text to Neva even if I haven't known her for such a long time, asking her if she wants to do something today.

Rubbing my eyes with my palms; phosphenes dancing in my sight before I opened my eyes. Checking my phone one last time and seeing if Neva had answered; she hadn't, I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

Thoughts blinded me when I walked. My mind elsewhere when I knocked into someone. My hands touching the naked skin, the tips of my fingers on my left hand touching the black bird tattoo. His arms wrapped around my waist and held me close when I tried to lean back. Looking into his eyes, seeing the fire in his eyes build up. "What are you doing?" I asked when his eyes flickered down to my lips that still were a little swollen from all the kissing yesterday.

"Kissing you."

My eyes widened. "Wha-" I got shut up by his lips colliding with mine. One of his hands grabbed a handful by my behind hole the other cupped my cheek and held me close. It felt as if my body went up in flames when his lips danced against mine.

His lips left mine, our breath mixing when we looked at each other with our foreheads resting together. "Morning." Charles mumbled, his lips touching mine once again before he pushed himself away from me. "You should be wearing pants." He groaned when he moved his hand under my underwear with his hand resting on my behind.

"Mhm.." I nodded okay, forgetting that I hadn't been wearing more than a hoodie and underwear when I went to bed last night. "So you want me to take on more clothes for you?" I tested the water.

Charles snorted while shaking his disappointment by my twist of his words. "Come se volessi che tu indossi più vestiti <As if I would want you to wear more clothes>." His thumb brushed over my lip before he backed away to the counter behind him in the kitchen. His adam's apple moved when he cleared his throat, bringing us both into reality; we stood in the kitchen and anyone could walk in. "What are you doing up this early?" He took a sip of coffee.

I shrugged, not knowing why I was up this early. "Is Max up?" I asked, leaning at the fridge behind me while I folded my arms over my chest. Charles shook his head, never looking away from me. "Then is my time for my revenge on all the times he woke me up." I laughed as I turned to a locker filled with frying pans, grabbing the biggest one before reaching for a metal spoon for the highest sound. Charles looked at me with a frown on his face when I turned around before walking towards the stairs.

"Don't forget pants!" He called out after me while I tumbled up the stairs with a pan and spoon in my hands.


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