Chapter 19

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Author's Note
Don't forget the holy water for this chapter too;)

TW: Mature content (sex), mention of sexual abuse (rape)

Charles Barnes

Seeing her naked body glistening with sweat and water while the taste of her come rolled in my mouth. Maddison's hair was spread over the sheet, her hands stretched above her head. From where I was propped up between her legs on my knees; I could practically hear her heartbeat in her chest, beating hard from the orgasm she had and I gave her.

I've never done this before. I'm only nineteen, I shouldn't do it but I wanted to explore my desires together with her and the excitement in her gaze mixed with anxiety when we made up a safe word that made me more sure that there was an easy way out if either of us needed an out of something that shouldn't even been going on.

Leaning down, pressing my lips against different parts of her body. Her sweaty skin salted my lips as I made my way up to her head. Giving her a peak on her lips before I untied her wrists. Massaging her wrists with my thumbs, soothing out the slightly bruised skin. "Mhmm.." A deep throat noise came from Maddison. 

Moving my hands to the back of her head so I can take the tie away from her eyes. Her big brown eyes looked up at me while her pupils regenerated to the light. Maddison's mascara was a little smushed around her eyes but somehow she managed to look like a dea<goddess>.

"Was this all you wanted to do?" Her light slightly raspy; from her moans in pleasure, voice said while looking up to me. Not able to help myself, I pressed my lips against hers. Enjoying the taste on her lips before I pulled away.

"Can you take more?" We both know the word if we couldn't take more but I wanted her to be and feel safe when we both explore our desires. She gave me a nod before mumbling a low 'yes' as an answer.

Giving her a nod before making my way off the bed. Maddison propped up on her elbows when she watched me take off my jeans, leaving me in only underwear before taking back the red tie and tying it loose around my neck. "I want to take them off." She said from my bed when she walked over on her knees to me when I was on the way to take off my underwear but stopping abruptly when she said she wanted to do it herself even if she still looked shaken up by her earlier orgasm.

Maddison's hands gripped the waistband before pulling them down, taking away the only thing that held my dick down that was harder than it usually is because of the long foreplay. She wetted her lips with her tongue when she looked up and down between my cock and my eyes before wrapping her hand around my dick before I could hold her hand away.

She was on her way to apologize when I spoke over her. "If you do that I'm going to come faster than a virgin high schooler watching porn." Maddison let out a chuckle before she looked fully up to me. "Dio, sei così bella<God, you're so beautiful>." My hand wrapped around the back of her head, fisting the roots of her hair while my other arm wrapped around her waist so she was closer to me as my lips moved against hers. Our naked bodies rubbed against her, my dick poking her stomach as we kissed.

Leaning her down together with me until she had her back against the mattress. My lips never left hers. My hand in her hair was massaging her scalp while my other touched her body in every way I could reach without breaking our kiss that made my mind turn into a fog. Kneading one of her tits with my hand as her back arched into my touch.

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