Chapter 7

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TW: Sexual activity (mastrubation), mention of an eating disorder

Maddison Brooks

I walked up the stairs and into my room.

The sunset just outside my window spread a wonderful golden light through my room. I took out the chair that was placed into my desk and sat down.

I opened my golden colored MacBook Air and called Cameron. He will probably be grumpy for me getting a hangover so I missed the training so close to the Dance Awards, from both of our perspectives; he needed a good result to show off as a trainer and I needed a good result to prove myself as a dancer.

Cameron showed up on the computer screen in front of me. His black hair brushed back as normal, a tight T-shirt squeezed the muscles under his skin; making the shirt fit like a second skin. "Hey!"

"Hi... sorry for not making it for practice. I didn't feel so good and didn't wanna risk making you sick." I lied without looking away.

"You got yourself a hangover." Cameron shook his head disapproving, while he folded his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, I still felt like shit." I mumbled.

"Hangovers don't spread from human to human."

"I did practice even if I wasn't at your studio." I said, this time I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in the chair.

"Just wanted to make sure you're alive and ready to not get drunk more before the competition in a few weeks."

"I'll do my best Captain." I said, straighten my back and put two fingers to my forehead and push them down like I was in the military.

"Still have it in your system I see." I just gave him a smile knowing it probably was true. I never did well when they talked about alcohol in biology class. Never thought I'd ever use it like this, but look how the tables have turned. "Take an early night and sleep it off. We are taking an extra hour tomorrow so we don't get behind."

Groaning, it was all I could do; there is no reason to deal with him about this. If he wanted another hour it was best he got it. Tomorrow would be hard with three hours, maybe even longer if Cameron said we needed it. All pain would probably be worth it in the end.

"Sleep!" Cameron said before ending our call.

"Bye!" I said with a sheepish smile on my lips while I pressed the red button. Walking to my wardrobe to change into sleeping clothes, listening to my teachers words to take an early night so I can do my best tomorrow.

Slipping on the whiskey colored T-shirt over my bare skin after I had taken off the clothes I had been wearing the entire day. I don't want to wear Trevors clothes, it felt wrong to have them after his words felt like needles against my skin. Closing the door before I landed with my back first in my bed.

My eyes were tired after the long, yet not so eventful day more than spending a few hours by the toilet seat during the morning; I was totally drained. Pulling the sheet over my body as I crumbled into a ball just before sleep took over me.


Walking up in my room after a few hours of sleep, my room was dark except for the daze of moonlight coming through my window. I felt desperate for touch, just someone that could take away the need between my legs that I had woken up with.

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