Chapter 6

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TW: Alcohol, vomiting

Maddison Brooks

Trevor and I had a fight after I cancelled coming over to him after my dance practice. My body had been burning and I didn't wanna over do more than I already had done after yesterday. I just needed a breath after continuing pushing my body into the breaking point for every practice just to hopefully get the win I always dreamed about.

Now I'm hanging over the toilet just as I have done for the past few hours after I woke up after passing out on the bathroom floor because of all the alcohol I drank last night. In the feeling of betraying my boyfriend for not being in the mood to deal with him and his actions.

"Mads, it's breakfast!" I heard mom yell from downstairs. Just the thought of food made me go back to how I had been all night. Vomiting.

Steps rushed up the stairs before I heard the door to my doom open with a push. "Maddie, where are you?" Evans' voice echoed from my room into the bathroom as I laid over the toilet seat if the nausea hit again.

"Don't come in!" I yelled, giving up my hidden place in the bathroom for the person who almost never can keep secrets.

"Are you okay?" Something made the door buckle from the other side.

"Sure, you can say that." I nodded for no one.

"Open the door." Evan sighs from the other side of the door loud enough for me to hear on the other side of the door.

"Nah, I'm fine."

"I saw the bottles, Maddison." My friend on the other side of the door announced. I groaned out loud while letting the back side of my hand dry my damp forehead. Lifting front the toilet seat and turning the doorknob so Evan could get inside when there was no more reason to ignore the fact that I was hungover from yesterday.

He sank down on his knees next to me as his hand went under the fabric of my T-shirt to massage my stomach in just the way he has done every time I've felt sick or been sick. I looked down at my plain T-shirt and bare legs tucked under me when I leaned the side of my head to the toilet seat.

Evan has seen me fully nude, "Am I wearing panties right now?" I wondered out loud. Evan slightly chuckled as he moved his hand to my hip bone before shaking his head. "Can you give me a pair?" He nodded before he reached the drawer next to him and rotted through the box before he grabbed a pair and gave them to me.

Somehow I got them on me before standing up. "I'm such a fuck up." I mumbled to myself.

"What happened even last night?" Evan asked as his hand kept rubbing my stomach nice and slow.

"Trevor and I had a fight, he told me shit." I mumbled, trying to keep my mouth closed as much as I can so I don't vomit again.

"What did he say?"


I clicked on Trevors number on my phone after I got out of the shower. My body was laying limb on my bed, I was too tired to move after the two hour practice. Usually I can train for four hours straight but I had a late night last night after my graduation with celebrations with my family and Charles. Which had tired me out into the bone.

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