Giyu's P. O. V:

I went to check on Naomi in the hospital this afternoon but learned from Aoi, one of the female assistants here, that she'd already been discharged this morning.

So I went in search of the pink and purple Hashira.

I soon find her out back, training with the Wind Hashira, Sanemi Shinuzagawa. I pause by Kanao Tsuyuri, sitting on the porch watching them. I gaze at my girlfriend in silent awe as her rainbow katana clashes with Sanemi's green one, moving at such speeds that their blades become quicksilver.

It looks as though Naomi has Sanemi on the defensive, as if he were using his full strength, Naomi wouldn't be able to defeat him.

I then feel a bit upset as I wonder silently, a pout on my features, "Why didn't Naomi-chan ask me to train with her?"

"Crystal Breathing, Fifth Form: Constant Flux," Naomi states as she repeatedly thrusts her katana towards the white haired man.

His eyes dilated in surprise as he leaps back to avoid the water dragon.

"Crystal Breathing, Seventh Form, Emerald: Claw-Purifying Wind," Naomi chants before slashing her blade diagonally upward, to the right, above her head. Four blades of wind shoot for the white haired male, to which he uses his own technique.

"Wind Breathing, Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree!" A tornado of wind appears around Sanemi that deflects Naomi's technique, and slices up the area around him. "Got you now, Naomi-chan!"

He runs towards the pinkette, preparing to slash her, a crazed grin on his face. But, suddenly, the Homura vanishes, surprising Sanemi. He stops short and looks around for the woman frantically. Naomi appears behind Sanemi and swings her blade viciously for his back.

There's a clang as Sanemi blocks it just in time. He smirks at Naomi in astonishment while she smirks back, the two pressing their swords against one another.

It becomes a battle of wills as neither swordsman seems to budge an inch.

"There's no way you'll beat me today, Naomi-chan," The Shinazugawa tells her, though not exactly mocking. "You never really had before!"

"Well, today's going to be different. I know it! I'll have your butt on the ground in two seconds from now," Naomi says, nearly making me chuckle.

"I'd like to see you try, Naomi-chan," Sanemi taunts her.

Naomi pulls back and they exchange a few more swift blows. Naomi feints for his left side which Sanemi blocks, before she feints for his right shoulder. Sanemi blocks that too before he runs at the pinkette, letting out a war cry.

Naomi calmly steps to the side and swings her left leg out, though not to kick the male. Instead, his eyes bug in their sockets from surprise as he grunts when Naomi hooks her foot around his feet, tripping him up.

Sanemi falls forward until he face plants the ground, katana falling on the ground beside him.

Naomi points her sword warningly at Sanemi as he was about to get to his feet, only to pause at the blade pointed at him.

"Surrender?" The Suishou asks, a teasing smirk plastered on her face.

Sanemi growls in annoyance but slumps on the ground, the only sign that he surrenders. Naomi laughs evilly as she sheathes her sword, but she steps in front of Sanemi and holds out her hand to help him up.

Sanemi smiles slightly as he lets her help him to his feet, while picking up his katana. "Looks like I really did beat you today, Sanemi-kun!" My girlfriend teases, the backs of her hands on her hips as she smirks.

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