Delicious Kiss Part 41

Start from the beginning

What was I thinking, ringing him?  It's ridiculous - what can it possibly achieve - this late at night and with nowhere that we could go...other than some sleazy hotel maybe?  I suppose he has been to such places before - but on second thoughts - I don't imagine that he has - he says he has never been with a woman I believe that and anyway, he wouldn't waste his money.  He's the opposite of Joon-hyung after all.


He's here, only moments after I called him

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He's here, only moments after I called him.  I don't want him to see this bruise and move quickly to the other side of the car, letting my hair swing forward.  Even as a high school student, I realised that hair can hide a multitude.  I love how physically capable he is - a quick check of the levers and the dashboard and he is away - and a good driver - perfectly able to manoeuvre the tight side streets around his flat and then blending easily - and with just a hint of swagger - into the heavier city traffic. And with no seeming compunction for chat, sensing that I'm exhausted.  In this situation, Kang would be snarling about the traffic and insisting on talking - why does he always have to talk?

On the open road, he pulls easily past slower vehicles and then tucks in behind the faster ones and I realise something else about him that I didn't know before tonight - he drives like me - competent, co-ordinated, calm.  I risk a quick peek and he's concentrated but not overly so - I suppose anyone who can play Schubert's Wanderer's Fantasy can handle a simple gear/clutch mechanism - though it always seemed beyond Joon-hyung's powers, not that he would ever admit that.  Seon-jae in profile is very delectable - even in the shadows of the car, twilight now a memory - but I make myself look away.  He will feel me looking and then he will look and then I will look...and then what?


What just happened?  I was groggy from sleep

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What just happened?  I was groggy from sleep..and then freaked out when I saw him enter that awful hotel?  Why would he go into such a place?  Isn't it obvious?  After all, I rang him late at night and asked him to drive me in my car and then fell asleep...he must be assuming that I want him to take me to such a horrible little place - though the very thought makes my skin crawl so I drove away, almost without making a conscious decision.  Now that I have left him, I feel terrible - like I led him on and then drew back at the last minute - though I know that's not true - but he doesn't.  Unforgiveable.  Just unforgiveable.  But still I drive away, as though compelled by something within me - what is it - conscience?  Definitely not.  Then what?  Cowardice - that's what this is - plain and simple.  And still I drive.

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