Chapter 40: The End.

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June 14th, 1989

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June 14th, 1989. 5:15 P.M.

The double church doors flew open... everyone turned their heads to see a rough, shaggy haired man. It was Tim Shepard, who had previously fled town after his brother got arrested.

Lynn flipped out at the altar, "Get him out of here!" she wailed, pointing to him, as if she was desperately trying to hide something important.

"I object." Tim slurred, obviously intoxicated and holding onto a beer bottle, "The baby is mine!" he announced.

The room filled with shocking gasps of horror. Lynn frantically swishes around, she clutches onto Dally's arm to forgiveness. He scoffs, and ripped her off. He couldn't take the heat and marched out of the church. Lynn chased after him, with the guest of her trail. 

I grabbed Brian, we nudged, shoved and wedged our ways to the front of the crowd. Dallas already had a cigarette blazing between his lips, outside the church. Somehow Lynn was blaming Dallas for all this, convinced he had something to do with it.

She stomped her feet, "You idiot! You have to ruin everything! Wait until I tell my brothers!" she threatened him. All her siblings were in jail.

Dallas remained unfazed by it all, while Lynn grabbed wine glasses, and began throwing them at him. He shields himself from the glass, as it shattered against his back.

A helpless fury simmered from within her. She couldn't take his nonchalant attitude towards her, it was enough. Lynn snapped the leg of a chair, and came charging towards him with the sharp end.

As she stepped from the church, she twisted her ankle and the heel of her shoe broke. Lynn stumbles, screaming as she falls straight into a muddy puddle. She cries and splashes around, as onlookers are stunned by the show.

Tim emerges from the church, and see's Lynn wailing around, her dress and hair covered in thick grime.

Something snaps inside of him, thinking that it was Dallas who had shoved her, he dashed over to his car. He returned wielding a shotgun, before anyone could warn Dallas, Tim aims. Brian lurched forward as Tim fired a shot into Dallas, the sound was deafening.

Both boys collapsed on the pavement, I jumped down the staircase, and fell onto them. "Call an ambulance!" I wept, trembling at the sight of blood on my hands. I didn't know whose it was.

Dallas rolled onto his back, I could see a clear shred of clothing, and pooling blood oozing from him. Brian coughed, and sat upright. He held Dallas in his arms. He began to hack, and choke as vomit burnt in his throat. Brian rolls him over, allowing him to clear his airway. The sight was terrifying.

Darry and Buck restrained Tim, and tied him up like a hog until the police could arrive. 

June 14th, 1989. 6:02 P.M.

The mechanical doors zipped open as Brian and I dash past a nurse speaking to the police.

Brian bangs on the front desk, frantic to find out where Dallas had been taken. I feared the worst... I couldn't believe Tim could do such a thing.

Brian argued with the nurse. This wasn't like him. His head was all in Dallas. It was the only thing on his mind. We're pointed down the hall, to the left. As we reach the room, a doctor is leaving, he takes Brian aside to speak.

I pressed my face to the glass, Dallas looked like a caged animal in the room. He had tubes in his nose, an IV in his arm and appeared so pale. Brian wanders back, he holds me in his arms, and pressed my head against his chest, before having me at arms length, "He's alright."

"Thank god." I whispered, "What is wrong with him?"

Brian scratched the back of his head, "The doctor said he got shot in the shoulder, and is planned to make a full recovery. He'll be out in a few days at most."

It was a relief to know he would be alright. Brian and I watched him for a while. He laid there, so peacefully. I observed how Brian looked at his best friend. He loved him, in ways I couldn't. Brian sees me, and a grin shaped his mouth.

A force far stronger than us, brought our faces closer together. He laced his lips to mine, parting them with his tongue. I kissed him like I've never kissed anyone before, not even Dallas. I breathed him in, and he did the same to me. He tasted brilliant.

"I couldn't wait until it was too late." I spoke low, urging for his touch. Our bodies pressed together once again. As we stopped, a trail of saliva dropped from our mouths, and detached. He wiped it with his thumb, and held me. I melt into his warmth... 

Maybe I didn't love Dallas, Maybe it was Brian this whole time...


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