Chapter 26: We Are Greasers!

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May 21st, 1989

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May 21st, 1989. 5:35 P.M.

For the past few weeks, I have been enjoying all of life's benefits. It seemed too good to be true. I was back to work and selling at school. Although the sales had begun to slow down again. I began to wonder when Brian and Dallas would deal with the other crew obviously selling on our turf. I kept my eyes and ears peeled for anything that would give their identity away.

I have also been seeing Dallas more often than not, all in secret. It was as if I tasted him and wanted more, more, more. It thrilled me to no end, our time alone was just what I needed. I bloomed for him, and in return he made me feel like I was the only girl on earth. Who knew he had it in him?

I spent afternoons without him, daydreaming about seeing him again. He just couldn't escape my mind... It was those doughy eyes of his, or maybe it was that magnetic voice calling my name. Either way I had an itch that he knew how to scratch. 

In the afternoon, Steve and Soda charged into the house in uproar and excitement, "We showed them!" roared Soda.

"Those damn socs won't know what is coming to them!" howled Steve as he punched the air in front of him. Darry being the sensible type, calmed them down enough to tell him what all the commotion was about.

"Rumble set for tomorrow night at seven, pops." told Steve, speaking of the tales the two had an hour ago, "We've already gotten the other gangs on board. Even little Johnny and Ponyboy are readying themselves."

Soda and Steve had run into some trouble out at Buck's place, involving money not being paid. The socs wouldn't back down, and neither would the greasers. It ended with rotten eggs being thrown at someone's car and a rumble being announced.

Darry groaned, rubbing his temples from the stress these boys were causing him. This wasn't the first time a spontaneous rumble had been called for, and it wouldn't be the last. 

I was more concerned about the fact I would have to spend a night with other greaser girls. All of which disliked me. I was also sleeping with one of their boyfriends.

May 22nd, 1989. 6:03 P.M.

About an hour to the rumble, the house was full of the gang and their girlfriends. Steve and Evie made out heavily on the couch, while Soda cranked up the stereo to pump everyone up.

Two-bit and Dallas practised their fighting techniques on each other. I didn't worry much about them, they knew how to hold their own. It was people like Johnny and Ponyboy that I stressed for. Both of them are naturally smaller than the others. At least the boys would look out for them.

Darry oiled up his hair in the bathroom mirror. He had nothing to worry about, having taken four socs on all by himself in the past. 

Steve stood up, and shut the music off. I thanked my eardrums for not giving out. He climbs on the coffee table, which would usually result in the third degree from Darry, but not tonight.

"Those piss poor socs think they're better than us!" he shouted, as everyone booed.

Soda jumps up with him, rocking the table, "Not tonight! Never again! We are greasers! We are god damn greasers!" he chanted.

Two-bit hit his chest like an ape, "We're hoods! We're society's dirt!" he spun out the door. The rest of the boys followed in a similar manner, leaving us girls behind to patch them up upon return. 

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