Chapter 11: The Night.

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March 23rd, 1989

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March 23rd, 1989. 1:10 A.M.

I heard Lynn's cursing as I sprinted right down the street towards home. I knew she was mad, I mean who wouldn't be. She's not stupid, she knows what goes down in bedroom's at parties. Not that I had the intention to do anything like that with Dallas.

I darted across the road, and up the porch steps, only to remember the time. I couldn't just waltz in. I peaked inside as the living room light was on, and saw Soda asleep on the couch. He must be spending the night.

I headed around the side of the house, to where my bedroom sat. I lifted the window, and with one leg in, the light switched on. I knew I was toast the second it did. One unhappy, furious Darry stood between the door frame with his arms crossed. 

"You've got to be kidding me." he spoke rather calmly, but that didn't last very long, "I can't believe you would do this!" his voice raised with every count, "You can't just sneak out!"

I gulped, knowing I shouldn't speak back but I couldn't help it, "It's not a problem." I breathed, as his teeth sharpened in response. I needed to learn when to shut my damn mouth.

"It's not a problem?" he mimicked, "It is a problem!"

I slinked onto the bed. I couldn't take him yelling at me. It hurt too much. At this point, he was fuming mad and breathing heavily from his nostrils. "You don't understand the danger you put yourself in!"

All I could do was huff and try to defend myself, "Oh, who cares. It's not like I died or anything!" I yelled back.

Darry ripped hair hands through his coarse hair. He didn't know what to do with me anymore. As he was about to speak again, Kate wandered into the room, "Jade, you're only seventeen. Darry is just trying to protect you." she butted in.

I launched an attack, "I don't need your input! Why are you even here? Nobody actually likes you!" I snapped at her. Kate's face fell flat as she left the room in a hurry.

Darry goes after her, leaving me alone. I kicked the door shut, furious that he had been so unfair to me. I began to think about what life would be like with her around. I hated her so much. I missed it when it was just the four of us.

Everything was changing. Ponyboy would be off to college soon enough, and I would be left here with Kate, fighting over his attention. It didn't seem like much fun at all...

March 23rd, 1989. 2:28 A.M.

In the middle of the night, I shoot awake as if there was a siren going off in my brain. Instead it was just the phone ringing in the kitchen. I rolled off the mattress, and shuffled in the bleeding darkness to the door.

As I cracked it open, I saw Soda grumbling on the phone to someone. Dallas was the one to ring so late. He talked Soda into letting me speak to him for a second.

When I put my ear up to the receiver, "Curly got caught." were the three words that came out of his mouth before he abruptly hung up. I trembled... dropping the phone and allowing it to swing back and forth next to me. 

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