Chapter 30: The Berries.

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May 26th, 1989

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May 26th, 1989. 12:12 P.M.

Without headlights, the boys waited, not wanting to draw any attention to themselves. None of them knew if the house had been staked out by the rival gang nor did they know if someone was stalking them.

I get into the backseat, a little late and Brian lets me know it. "You're late." he grumbled, seemingly tired from being up so late.

I squeezed next to Sam and Martin was next to him. Dallas was driving and Brian was in the passenger's seat. "I'm sorry, I heard noises." I told him.

He passed back a dress and a pair of heels, "Could've at least done your hair." he snapped again. I mimic him nagging, it makes the twins chuckle.

We're driven to a more secluded area, and I'm told to get changed, while the boys leave the car and wait outside. I touched the fabric, this dress was black and a bit revealing for my liking. I wondered what this could all be for.

When I'm finished changing, they all get back in with sly grins, "You all watched, didn't you?" I growled.

At once I get three different replies, "No. Yes. Maybe."

"So, what's the plan? Or are you all taking me out on a romantic date at midnight?" I joked.

"You wish, princess." huffed Dallas, driving out of the Tulsa limit.

Brian moves the rear view mirror to look at me, "There's a man you're meeting named Cobra. He's going to help us get rid of the rival gang, but he likes attractive women. So, that's when you come into play."

"And here I thought you needed me for my brain." I huffed, crossing my arms.

Brian continues, disregarding my last comment, "You'll find him in the diamond V.I.P area, wearing a white suit and a fedora with a purple feather. You need to tell him we are the berries."

"The berries?" I snorted.

"It's a codeword...anyways, we will be around. You just need to act attractive and calm. Can you do that?" he asked in all seriousness.

"I don't know if I can manage to be calm." I snickered to myself, nobody seemed in such a good mood as I did tonight. I began wondering if I didn't understand the severity of what I was getting myself into.

May 26th, 1989. 12:38 P.M.

Brian and I strolled up to the double doors of a lavish nightclub. It wasn't in an area I knew well, we were a bit out of Tulsa at this point. I was linking arms with him as we met with a bouncer, Brian flashes his ID as he's twenty one.

"ID." asked the bouncer, very bluntly, he wasn't playing around.

"The berries." said Brian, and the bouncer opens the doors. I marvelled at his abilities.

"I wonder if this codeword works in real life. I could use a pass in Geometry." I smiled as he lead me over to the lounge, just outside the club scene.

"Focus, Jade." he holds me by the shoulders, "Remember stay calm. No matter what happens, just relax." he reminds me. Brian plants a kiss on my forehead, it sends sweet tingles through me. He ruffles my hair, to make me seem more attractive and grown up and sends me on my way. 

I entered the club, in all its glory. Neon lights beamed and twirled around the room, like something I had never seen before. People danced, and jived to the beat of the music, others sat on the side lines, with cocktails.

I swept through the dancefloor, scanning the club for the diamond V.I.P area. I couldn't locate it, so I decided to ask a nice man, who didn't know either. That's when I saw the purple feathered fedora in the distance.

I strutted over to where he was. I didn't even have to do anything to be let past the velvet rope. This dress did wonders on me.

I played it cool, as he's watching me. I lazily lower myself to the edge of the leather sofa, crossing my legs over one another and trying to appear mysterious all at the same time.

Cobra scoots over to me, "I haven't seen you around here before. Let me guess, newly twenty one?" he trails a cold hand over my shoulder, breathing a warm breath on the back of my neck.

"Barely." I beat myself up, biting my tongue. I sounded ridiculous. He bellows roughly, and wipes his lip with his thumb.

I turned around to face him, not knowing what else to say or do, I blurted out, "The berries."

I see his face change, and he ushers me into a more private area. He opens the doors to a velvet red room, the floors and walls matched. One spotlight on a poker game. He ordered the men to leave and they did so without complaint.

We sit down on two arm chairs. I'm nervous now. I don't like being out of sight of the boys. Cobra shakes a cocktail, "I like you." he says, handing me a blue glass.

"I don't take drinks from strangers." I grinned, realising I needed to stand my ground and remain calm. I wasn't about to do anything stupid.

He is taken back, I don't think many women tell him that, "We aren't going to be strangers. I can assure you that."

I remain silent. I don't know what he means by that. Cobra sits down across from me, in a more business casual type of way, "What do I owe this pleasure?"

I clear my throat, "I work with Brian and Dallas." I told him.

"Ah. The young cats, just twenty one." he confirms. I wondered how he knew that.

I stabilize my nerves, "We need your help. There is a rival gang, who threatened us, well me. They destroyed our place of business. Have been stealing our customers and selling on our turf." I said.

He pauses, then speaks, "I think I can arrange something. Listen, you tell Brian and Dallas that I've got them covered, and will be in close contact with them." 

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