Chapter 14: Respect.

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April 13th, 1989

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April 13th, 1989. 11:03 A.M.

The court is called back into order. Curly stood up, and told his side of the story, then said it was a solo operation. Relief washed over the three of us. We were back in business. 

The judge reads Curly's charges. One account of drug possession. One account of assault of an on duty officer. He's sentenced to 18 months in jail. I would've been more upset, if he hadn't been such a jerk. Dallas whispered that he'll get parole in 6 if he behaves, less if overcrowding.

When we left the courthouse, I tried to stop myself from twirling around in circles, thrilled with the news that I wasn't going down for any of these crimes. Brian wanted to celebrate with milkshakes, whilst Dallas wanted to go swipe a few bottles from the liquor store. I, on the other hand, needed to get to school.

I waved goodbye, and strolled downtown. As long as I got to school before it finished, I wouldn't be lying if I said I went. I decided to take my time, and window shop along the strip of stores. The weekday traffic was a lot easier on the ears.

As I passed the hardware store, the bell twinkled with someone leaving. It was Darry. I groaned out loud. I was beginning to become convinced that I was the most unlucky person alive.

I prepared myself for another round of fighting, instead he sounded more disappointed than mad, "Really, Jade?" he rubbed his temples, nudging over to the truck.

On the ride home, Darry spoke and I listened. He directed a question towards me in the shape of 'what is wrong with you?'

I didn't blame him for having a curious mind about what I was getting up to. We used to speak all the time, and now barely anything. When we did talk, it was more fighting and arguing.

It occurred that I was becoming a rebellious teen to some extent. It wasn't like me, yet I was doing it. It must be hard to navigate his coming of age, whilst also being forced to parent three kids, as a kid himself.

He was my age not so long ago, yet it seemed like forever ago. I felt sorry for Darry, I really did, yet somehow felt indifferent.

He wanted to try to understand me, but we are at completely different places in our lives. I was acting up, and he was settling down. I told him what he wanted to hear, that I was sorry and would try better.

April 14th, 1989. 4:02 P.M.

The boys were eager to get back out on the streets. I was itching to get back to work as well, I needed the money to fuel my shopping habits.

Brian called a meeting about growing business opportunities which meant new people were hired for the crew. When I arrived, four men were sprawled out in the living room.

The rough individuals leered at me as I fell onto the armchair. You couldn't be picky in this line of work...

Brian introduced us. The large man with tattooed arms was named Roffe. He was Russian and looked like the type I wouldn't want to cross.

Two identical brothers were next. They were twins with dark brown hair, one had a slit in his eyebrow so you could tell them apart. Their names, Martin and Sam.

Lastly, the most sinister character of the lot. He was thin, long limbed and wore all black. Brian said his name is Lance. He also wore a scowl across his face like he had better things to be doing.

Dallas returns to the meeting, wanting it to hurry along quicker. He discusses how they were entering dangerous territory with new parts of town being opened up. Brian explains the rank, "Me, Dallas then Jade, here."

Lance pipes up, "I ain't taking no orders, from no broad." he spat.

I was in complete shock. I didn't even know this dude and he already had a mouth like this, "Shouldn't you be husband hunting, or something?" Roffe argues.

"This isn't 1962." I interrupted, not allowing them to get another word in, "And if you want to enjoy the benefits of this crew, then you'd better belt the hell up!"

I shocked myself, I even shocked Brian and Dallas. I was growing a hard edge, and sort of liked it. Those two settled down after that. I even think they respected me more. 

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