#30. Waiting

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It's been 2 months, 61 days since I have last heard my brother's voice, laugh, and seen his smile.

Laila is now 11 months.

Numbness, that's all I am emotionally capable of feeling.

Daniel took Laila away from me a few days ago, as I wouldn't do anything but sit by my big brother's limp body willing him to wake up.

There was no way that I would be able to cope with another loss if Hunter didn't make it. I got up and started pacing around the medium-sized hospital room. Running a hand through my hair, I reluctantly opened the door and walked out into the hall of the north wing of the ICU.

Not paying attention to my surroundings, I kept walking until I  was out of the hospital. But even then I continued to walk even farther. At this point, I didn't even care where I was going. I just needed to get away for a while.

Walking down 5th Avenue, I saw the park that Hunter and I use to play at before we moved to Spain. I sat down on a swing and stared at the ground. It didn't take long before I started to cry. I just couldn't hold back the sadness and anger anymore. It just came flooding out like a flood made to wreck everything in its path. 

All too soon, my sobs started to surface as I cried out in the agony only a sibling would feel for their loved ones.

" Harley?", I heard a male voice exclaim from a few feet away. Ignoring the voice I continued to let out my heartbroken sobs into the silent night not caring who heard.

Suddenly I was being lifted off of the swing and cradled into warm and strong arms. 

" Shh, Harley", the voice whispered as the owner cradled me tighter to his chest. Grabbing a hold of what seemed to feel like a jacket, I put it in a death grip not wanting whoever this was to ever let go of me.

I was lifted bride style up into his arms. He carried me gently like if he dropped me I would break into a million shards. I shoved my face into his jacket trying to muffle my now loud cries. 

A few minutes later, I heard the sound of a car door unlock and then felt leather under me. I struggled not fully capable of my body movements, I kicked my legs out and started to whimper.

" Shit!", the male voice hissed letting me know that my legs had made contact with his body. 

" I'm sorry Harley", the voice whispered before I felt him plant a kiss on my forehead.

Then I felt a pinch and fell into a pit of darkness.


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Who do you think it is?

Will Hunter wake up?

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